Joseph Swanson

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I was dragged away from the line, what did I do wrong? That was my real ID? Right?! I'm just so confused right now, I was lead to this weird ass prison, with cell rooms and everything! It looked like a real one and there were actual staff but only a few prisoners. I was kind of skeptical to talk to any of them, but if I wanted to know why I was here, I'd have to ask them. I went up to one of them, presumably the one that looked weaker than me. "Dude, where are we? Why are we here?" The boy looked at me, he was clearly Mexican, and I don't know what his look was, but it was blank, like one of those.. Autistics. He eventually replied to me, he had broken English and a really Mexican accent. "I Davíd, you?" That's what he said, I knew what he was asking of though, so I replied. "Joseph, Joseph Swanson." I gave him my last name just for better identification too, just in case anybody in this event was also named Joseph.

David nodded, but he didn't say anything else, and I knew why now. David was probably an illegal immigrant or something. Heh, fucking alien. Oh well, I just had to speak to someone who actually knew the English language, so I walked away and I went over to the girl that was there. She looked mean and rude, but I figured she wasn't as strong, after all, some of these people looked like they would try and beat me up with any interaction. "Hey, do you know why we're here?" She immediately looked at me, then took a glance at the others just to make sure I wasn't talking to anyone else. "We all got caught with fake IDs, that's why." She answered that so coldly and rudely, as if I was some dumb bitch. I didn't take it too personal though. "Oh.. I thought I gave my real ID though." I replied back, and she was going to reply to my reply because she sighed and began to start speaking, with a sad look on her face. "Well, I thought I gave the real ID too, I have many fake ones for different reasons." Now I knew this girl was like me, I had many fake ones too! I decided to keep talking to her, she was more interesting than David. "What's your name?" She looked me up and down, as if analyzing my features or something before responding. "My name is Rosalina, you?" She had a pretty name, fit for a pretty Latina too, she looked like one of those "copy and paste" Latinas I'd see all over social media, the ones that would have so many comments admiring them. Whatever though, that didn't matter. "Nice name, mine is Joseph." I replied and she would slightly smile, maybe I had been accepted as a friend. "You have a nice name too Joseph." She then returned to her cold gaze though, just like most of them Latinas. She was low key kinda bad too, just like that one guy on social media said, "Oh, I GYATT something in my eye." I tried not to be too immature though, because those memes were genuinely stupid. I can't see why people cared so much about ass or whatever and thought stupid things said like that were funny. It was all just really cringey. Anyways, back on point, I have 2 acquaintances now which is a good start for this event so far.

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