Arch T. Summit

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Funny huh! They actually gave me an entry for the viewers to watch! Oh well, since everyone hates me after I tried to escape now, I'm forced to explain my true plans.

I wanted to see what the games were like, I watched them all the time as a kid on the dark web, forced by my father. The gore took a huge toll on my life, I even wanted to recreate all of the scenes, and I watched this since I was 5. When I was 6 though, I went to school and discovered I had other classmates to interact with. One classmate, by the name of Michelle, she came up to me and asked if she wanted to play tag, and instead I grabbed her arm and twisted it, like one out of five of the first games' winners, Josiah Taylor. I'm 13 now, by the way. Anyways though, I twisted her arm in a way like Josiah Taylor when he killed Mark Lewinsky in the final matches, and I broke her arm, and I remember her treacherous scream. I kind of regret it since everyone at school hated me after that, and I gained a reputation for being creepy and scary. That doesn't bother me anymore now that I'm actually in the games now, instead, it makes me even happier. I only tried to escape because I couldn't risk dying and I had already seen enough after that Peyton guy put that fire and thought he killed me. No, I'm smarter than that, and plus, there was a window, did he not check? Anyway, the winner of the next game better let me live so that I can have more screen time for my father. Father, I know you're seeing this, and I'm making sure my training will never go to waste. If I die, don't fear and just have another child, you're young enough.

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