Joel Jameson Quincy

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I smelt something on the apartment above me, and there's only one floor above me so that might be no good. Plus it smelt like smoke, so with the little fire survival training I had (if there actually was one) I would grab a towel, make it wet and I would put it over my mouth and nose and I'd slightly duck, going down the floors as I saw the guy who was living on the top floor sprinting off at Usain Bolt speed, I decided to start sprinting too but with my severe asthma, I decided to keep doing the safety precautions I was doing since sprinting for about 5 seconds made my lungs hurt harder than the way my dad used to hit me with beer bottles. I'm a bit chubby with a slow metabolism too so it's quite for me to run without feeling like I'm one more step away from cardiac arrest.

As I ducked and walked slowly down the floors, I saw people on lower floors screaming, freezing up, sprinting out or not even crying about the smells of smoke and the sudden heat change. I of course eventually got out in time when a buff guy with a black buzz cut that looked like he could be a bodyguard for a huge celebrity came up and grabbed me, sprinting out and placing me outside and safe as I gave him the wet rag so he could save more people after. He said he wanted to be a superhero of some sort but I don't really know why.

I saw the guy that caused it all now though. I wanted to attack him, but he was tall, had some sign of muscle and genuinely looked like someone so menacing you wouldn't want to mess with, and if you did you'd probably get your head chopped off and you wouldn't be able to outlive the Queen anytime soon. I just glared at him as he was grinning with pure sadistic pleasure for some gay ass reason. Whatever it was though, I wanted absolutely no involvement with him or whatever he was smiling about so I just watched that buff security guard looking guy retrieve people from the building, pretty sure he saved literally everyone in there with how many times he came out with one or two and sometimes even three people and went back in. Still though, I'm glad I'm alive and here to live another possibly death bringing day.

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