Peyton Rose

15 1 2

I signed up for this event well knowing everything, and thank god my parents just signed it without reading it, because they know how I act. They wouldn't want me going to a place with no rules. They knew I was a "danger to society" and they couldn't have me somewhere where my actions would be made without true consequences to them. Yet, they didn't read that part, I just made them sign it, making up a whole story on how it was just a field trip to Hawaii. It was a little too easy, who knows, maybe they just wanted me gone.

To talk about my experiences so far here though, a rude little bitch came up to me, She had Blonde hair in a ponytail, like Barbie. She had Electric Blue eyes yet she looked like she was at most 14. She had baby face yet looked so mean and rude, and trust me, she was, she would do some weird catwalk or model walk as she pushed me out of the way. I was taller than her, being about 6"3 at 17 years old, I liked my advantages here. She was rather.. small, petite if you want to put it in more specific terms, looking like a spoiled and bratty baby doll. She was undoubtedly pretty cute, but that didn't excuse her from getting attacked by me, no, instead, that made me want to attack her even more. I had a great strength and height difference, with her being the weaker. You know what I did. I grabbed her and dragged her to a storage room, before pulling out some brass knuckles in my pockets (yes I keep those just in case) and beat the living hell out of her. She had bruises, scratches, cuts and blood all over her face and body when I was done with her, she was a really ugly crier and she screamed like a damn monkey. I hate when I hear disgusting screams like hers.

I was now hearing a man walk in, a guy that seemed to probably be way stronger than me with his heavy and fast footsteps, even though I knew there were no rules, I knew who it was. He wouldn't be very friendly to me hurting someone. I exited as quickly as possible, escaping through a vent that lead me to the back of the building. Thank God.

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