Preparation First Game

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Everyone was chilling in the city, the intermission felt quite a while, and they were getting comfortable until an announcement came on and said they were going to host the first game soon, and needed a volunteer of some sort. About 39 teenagers offered to volunteer, everyone else besides those 39 being either to lazy or too much of a fucking pussy to volunteer. Of course, there were also some who just knew for the better.

All 39 teenagers would be interviewed for the position, after all, they needed someone worthy enough to be a volunteer for a game, willing to help and possibly risk their life. After all those probably really long interviews they would have time to choose their volunteer.

Now, the volunteer has been chosen, it was a chosen to be a strong and buff woman named Porsha Petrov. She had fluffy blonde hair and dark brown eyes with a very masculine and muscular build. Of course, you could still tell she was a woman with her short fluffy hair and muscular build, yet she was just very strong looking and she had great wills which was exactly what the game hosts were looking for.

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