Alan Sage

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Oh my god! They actually looked at my entry! Am I a superstar yet? Should I introduce myself? Okay anyway, brushing off my excitement, my name is Alan Sage and I really, really love plants! I mean, why else would my last name be Sage if I wasn't destined to love plants? I don't know why they accepted my entry though because I don't really have much to talk about that's important or related to any of the events that are gonna happen... Maybe they were out of entries? Maybe they're trying to make more of the teenagers popular? I don't think it matters though so I won't ask many questions, but right now I'll talk about something more interesting since this episode is gonna be on me after all and I'm a new face..

Now, I really like to take care of plants and I love decorating gardens! Im currently fixing the gardens of one of the parks in this event's city right now since it seemed a little raggedy and ugly... Whoever built this stuff clearly had no idea how to design properly... While I'm taking care of this poor garden I'll talk about relationships I have so far.. Well I currently really like that one guy Cassiel.. I've never talked to him but he's so majestic, especially with how silky smooth and bright his hair is, he's just so angelic.. Enough of that though, I currently have a few friends that I've made in this event like my friend Cristina and Evelyn. They're just super nice and also have an interest in plants! Evelyn specifically like flowers and Cristina is more of a tree person but that's okay! I don't have any unnecessary preferences for who I want as a friend anyway.

Also, I put in an entry for an episode as quick as I possibly could because they said that now you get money for putting in entries and there's a lot of people putting in their entries instead of the usual 5 people I see putting theirs in. They probably also got some good money since it's 100 per entry. That one guy who's always putting one in the box every time I pass by the entry place is definitely pretty rich right about now. Anyway this is the end of my entry because I don't know what to talk about anymore cause I'm new to this entry thing so toodles!

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