Joel Jameson Quincy pt. 2

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Y'know, I know the viewers have probably forgotten about me by now, and that they probably don't even like me, but here I am again. Ever since I made that first entry, I've been trying to keep a low profile and not make any more in order to stay relevant but not be too much of a fan favorite to get used or to get killed. Since I'm no longer on the relevance leaderboard though, I have to make this entry to get back up there, so here I am.

Just like what Minato said in the last episode, I decided I'm gonna talk about the same things the other people in those episodes do because the black paper bagged man said it would interest the viewer. I currently, really, really like Eve Caroll. She's so kind and friendly and she genuinely seems to care for everyone around her. She's too beautiful for me though, she's completely out of my league and all I can do just to continue to see her happy is just admire her from a distance and learn to move on. She would never like me anyway, as she doesn't even know who I am. Oh well, nobody likes a depressed idiot so I guess I'll move on from this topic.

For who I'm friends with, I was only slightly acquaintances with Jackson Pelvis until he died, I'm a little glad he died though, sometimes he was funny and sometimes he was downright rude or annoying. Especially with how he'd follow me around and try to talk to me like we were best friends, which we weren't. I plan on making friends with Eve Caroll and Davíd Rodriguez though, since they seem nice enough, way nicer than people like Peyton Rose or Evelyn Brown.

Oh, also, if you're wondering about what the hell the relevance leaderboards are, it's basically how popular you are with the viewer. You can get higher in the leaderboard based on episode entries, roles in games, actions, etc. Currently, Peyton Rose is the number one guy on the leaderboard, being the most popular and second I'm pretty sure is Aren Spearman or Davíd Rodriguez. I left the episode entry room a while ago so I haven't checked the leaderboard.

Okay, I'm really bored now, and I don't feel like continuing my episode, so bye guys.

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