Heads Up Seven Up! pt. 2

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Okay, we decided ourselves without really listening to our fans, we just looked through some stuff and our own opinions on the contestants, and we decided who we'd kill off.

I came to the classroom with my gun, and once they let me in, everyone had their heads down on the desks, and I saw a little guy peaking. Joseph Swanson. Even though this wasn't the person we chose to die, he was cheating, and I suppose he should've learned from common sense.

I shot him, cold in the head. Some people screamed, some flinched and some were just frozen in their places. I couldn't help but smirk as I watched the blood bleed out of his head, and then the lower class staff members carry him out of the room to go and ship his body back for a funeral.

We then got a message, and now I was kind of pissed off as Zachary was mad at me for killing Joseph after he had just killed Micheal D. Leighton for making Jeremiah do that dare. He said he was going to severely punish me, and when I heard that I sort of froze and then decided on what would win his mercy over. After about 30 seconds of thinking, I knew what to do.

I aimed my gun at him. He was frozen in place but I couldn't help but laugh maniacally before doing the grand shooting. I shot at his head and once he was confirmed dead and dragged out of the room, Zachary sent me the message of mercy and approval. I couldn't help but smile in relief, goodbye Jeremiah Cruz.

Since we were down to 136 contestants and four contestants wasn't that much of a downfall, we'd just go and whisper in people's ears as they stood up.

Once there were 68 thumb touchers and 68 guessers, I'd announce as I held my gun up. "Rise your heads or I'll shoot your BRAINS out!" Once those words were said, I saw everyone's heads rise up and look at me with obedience, vulnerability and fear. I smirked and then started talking to all of them. "Okay guessers, take your time to look at all the thumb touchers and think about who would touch your thumb. By the way, multiple people can't touch a single person's thumb, and half of you are going to die this game." Some people would look in panic, some would talk with each other in panic and some would just have an unbothered face like that angelic guy Cassiel.

Once they had their 5 minutes of chatting, I'd yell at them. "Alright guys! ENOUGH! PUT YOUR DAMN HEADS DOWN GUESSERS!" They all immediately put their heads down and I'd smirk as I now signaled the thumb touchers with my hand expressions to go and touch thumbs. They all did as I said and I honestly loved this sort of power, like ruling a whole army!

Now, once they were done touching thumbs, I ordered them to get back to their positions in a side to side line at the front of the classroom so that the guessers could point easily instead of having to memorize names or describe. "Alright Guessers, raise your heads!" I called out to them and they did as I said immediately, and they'd start thinking to themselves, they all felt a thumb touch and I know because there's enough guessers and enough thumb touchers.

I'm only gonna be able to explain the major dramatic guessing points cause some people are either too irrelevant to make it dramatic and entertaining or they guess too quick. Let's get on with the narrative.

As Cassiel looked around the room, he'd narrow his eyes, with his really attractive goddamn smirk, he'd point at a girl who was blushing. Once the room turned green (correct buzzer) I'd shoot her immediately. Her forehead getting a gunshot hole blown in it as the janitorial staff came up and carried her away. That was the 8th guess.

24th guess, and Pavel would glare, his eyes dragging across the entire leftover thumb touchers before pointing at a random guy who kept looking around nervously and making it obvious, the room turns green and Pavel is shown to be clearly intelligent. As he didn't just automatically guess his girlfriend. It's pretty obvious why he wouldn't want to though, he wouldn't want to risk hers or his own death.

27th guess, a new contestant (woah new contestant debut) would look around. His hair light brown and slightly spiky as his tired looking eyes stared into the abyss. He clearly had some deep ass thoughts going on as he quickly pointed at a girl. When the room turned green, She got a bullet BLOWN through her forehead as I laughed maniacally. It was truly funny. By the way, this new contestant's name is Ira Keta. If you're interested.

36th Guess, Peyton would be looking through the list, and he'd be fooling around and he looked at Aksel. "Him!" I felt guilty as the room turned red, only because Peyton was hot, and with the message that Zachary sent me, I could tell he felt guilty too. I shot Peyton in the stomach, making sure to hit nothing vital as I did some paranoid hand signals to the janitorial staff as they rushed over to his aid and dragged him out of the room. I now tried to forget about it and continue with the game.

38th guess, Reiko Kondo looks around, she sees Aren Spearman and Cristina De La Cruz, and she narrows it down between them without making it obvious. She then suddenly points at the Asian guy she previously affiliated with in the family game, the room turns green and I shoot a bullet hole through his neck as she surprisingly got it correct. Kind of wanted her to die to be honest but I don't know why I wanted that.

As some idiots guessed quickly and got themselves a bullet in their vital spots from me, I would finally get the final interesting guess. Eve Caroll saw that Davíd was a thumb toucher, but she knew it wasn't him. The 54th guess, She had to decide now. This game was all about being lucky or knowing people's body language after all. She then picked Joel Jameson Quincy, who was blushing nervously. The room went green.

Boom! I didn't feel as guilty as I did with Peyton because Joel isn't hot, but I did still feel guilty since he seemed like a nice kid and he was a fan favorite. Even Zachary admitted it in the messages to me. This is now later when the 68th guess is over, and now there is only 68 people left, most of which were thumb touchers because a lot of the guessers were being idiots and choosing randomly. The people that I'm honestly shocked that survived are Alan Sage, Minato Shimizu and Evelyn Brown. Minato cause he just seems kinda hopeless, Evelyn cause she gets a little obvious at times and Alan for the same reason as Evelyn.

Now, this episode was indeed longer than most of the episodes so far, but it's time to end it now as we want to give an episode to Ira Keta. Now I will go and disturb the other narrators, specifically the Texan one. Cya!

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