Chapter - 1

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In a huge building , 1 o'clock of night , a man was sitting , immersed in his work . He was looking handsome with fully concentrating face . Suddenly he sighed and close his laptop. He leaned on the chair and close his eyes. After few minutes he opened his eyes and stand up and walked to french window of his office from where he could see the view of city which from any high place looked beautiful. The flickering lights of busy city looked like the tiny stars on the earth.

The man looked through the window, his face was expressionless and his eyes was looking far away. He was looking so distant, so lost but ethereal .
His face was not showing a single sign of appreciation for the beautiful scenery.

The man had a height of 6 feet or a little more with broad shoulders, slim waist and long legs. His brown eyes were beautiful even without any emotion . He had high , pointy nose and beautiful thin lips with sharp jawline. Overall the man's features was not less than a god who has descended from heaven. He was ethereal.
Even with such outstanding looks he had something in those emotionless eyes that couldn't be deciphered.

He stood there for sometime without moving and then turn away to go back on his chair and he again started doing his work.

In morning, time 7:00 A.M.

A man was coming towards the office of CEO . He was a good looking young man . He knocked at the door but got no response. He again knocked and got nothing. Third time also the result was same. He then opened the door and walked few steps inside the office. He could see a figure leaning on his table, wearing earbuds , sleeping peacefully.

The man who had entered inside the office hesitated for few minutes then he went near the sleeping man , shook him lighty and said ," Yibo , wake up. It's 7 in morning."

The sleeping man did not move.

" Why the hell he did not go home ?" murmured the man.

He tried again. This time with a loud voice .
" Wake up ! Wang Yibo! Wake up! "

The sleeping man startled and got up immediately and when he glanced at the person who dared to disturb his precious sleep , he frowned and said in his sleepy , hoarse voice .
" Xue yang, what the hell ? How can you you wake up a sleeping person this harshly? " Wang Yibo said irritated.

" Oh! I have knocked three times and after getting no response, I entered just to see a sleeping beauty wearing earbuds. I shook you and you did not move a single inch and now you are saying I am harsh." Said Xue Yang like he was wronged by Wang Yibo.

"Anyway tell me why didn't you go to home last night ? Do you want to kill yourself by overworking ? Didn't I tell you to go home and rest ? " said Xue Yang angrily.

And like this Xue Yang started nagging about how Yibo didn't care about his health.

Yibo glanced at him with boring expression as he has already gotten used to Xue Yang's naggings.

" Stop being nagger all the time. I had have some work so I stayed in office."
" Also I am your boss . How can you nag at me ?" Wang yibo said raising one of his eyebrows.

With that Yibo stood up and started to walk towards the secret room which was in the corner away from people's eyes. This room was there because Wang Yibo often stayed in office.

" I nagged beacuse I am your friend before your secretary." Xue Yang said pretending to be angry. But in reality he was worried and Yibo knew it.

" Now go boss , get fresh up ." Xue Yang said in scarstic tone.

Yibo just silently went into the room.

Wang Yibo was 26 year old , CEO of Wang Empire. He was very cold towards everyone except his family and friends. He didn't like to talk much or can say was a man of few words. He had two cousins Wen Zi (sister) and Wen Han ( brother) from his father's sister, also an older brother Wang Huan who was six years older than Yibo. His parents had died when he was 10. He , his elder brother and cousins were brought up by his father's elder sister Wang Qing , who was a single woman.

Wang Yibo had few friends. Xue Yang was his best friend. They met in High school and then done their graduation together. Xue Yang was an orphan. Yibo and his family always treated him as a family member.

Xue Yang had an extrovert personality. He loved to flirt with anyone not minding gender . Boys and girls, both were his targets.
He was not a playboy but only a man with playful personality.

Xue Yang ordered breakfast for Yibo and started to check the schedule of today's meeting. After sometime Wang Yibo came back wearing white shirt inside a dark blue three piece suit, polished black shoes watch on his left hand wrist and well setted hairs. He had the ability to surpass the film emperor in terms of looks.

Xue Yang gave him the breakfast and said in stern voice ,"Have your breakfast first and then I will tell you today's schedule."

Yibo took the breakfast. He finished his breakfast quickly and then Xue Yang told him that the first meeting is in 20 minutes.
After that they went for meeting.

On the otherside
In a big mansion a beautiful boy was running here and there, collecting his things. The boy looked so beautiful even the girls couldn't be compared with him.
His name was Xiao Zhan , the adopted son of Jiang family.
Jiang family was one of the richest family in China. The head of the family was Mr. Jiang Ming and his wife was Mrs. Jiang Yu . They had two children , a girl named Jiang Yanli and boy Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was the eldest son and zhan was youngest. They all love Xiao Zhan and dotted on him very much.
For them Xiao Zhan was their precious gem.

Now in the morning, Jiang Yanli saw her younger brother making a mess in his room because he was getting late for college.

" Zhan! slow down. Look what are you doing with your room? " Jiang Yanli said with a sigh.
She didn't get why his brother never got up early. He did the same thing every morning.

"You , don't panic. Slow down and collect your things properly." She said walking towards Zhan.
"Jie, you don't know if I will not hurry Cheng ge will leave me and then I have to go myself." Zhan said making pout .

" Last time he left me without saying a word
He didn't drop even after I run behind his car , shouting. " zhan said.

Seeing his brother's justification like he was a victim, she shook his head and said, " Then why don't you get up early, huh? "

" But I can't. I love my beauty sleep . I will get wrinkles if I won't get enough sleep." Zhan said like this was the most important and serious matter.
Then they heard a shout and without seeing they knew who was the person.

" Zhan if you won't come in two minutes I will leave . You have only two minutes." Cheng shouted.
One could sense the irritation from his voice.

" See jie , I don't want to be irritated by getting early up in the morning like Cheng ge. He doesn't sleep well thats why he always have a frown on his face ." Zhan said and run out of the room.

Yanli sighed. This has become a routine for Jiang family.
Mrs. Jiang saw his youngest son running without breakfast. She stopped him by gripping his wrist. Zhan looked at the person who stop him.
" You take this toast and eat in the car. " She said giving him the toast with jam.

" Mom , I will be late and Cheng ge will get more angry if I eat in his car . You know he is a clean freak." Zhan said while trying to get out his mom's grip.
" Take it. He won't angry. " Mrs. Jiang asid and Zhan took the breakfast and run outside the mansion.
Zhan hurriedly went inside the car where Cheng was sitting with an expression which clearly show that he was annoyed.

" You brat , can't you get up early even just for one day." Jiang said.
" I am sorry, so sorry ,ge . " Zhan said with puppy eyes.
He didn't want to make his brother more angry because who knew his brother will throw out of the car.
Cheng sighed as he knew his brother could never get early for anything or anyone in this world. The person for whom he got up early must be something else.
They silently drive away. First Jiang Cheng dropped Xiao Zhan at University A then went to Jiang Enterprises.


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