Chapter - 12

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Xiao Zhan , Nie Huisang and Song Xingchen were in a mall with Yanli and Wen Zi for shopping.

When Wen Zi and Yanli were in fabric store , the three boys decided to wait for them in a cafe. Both Huisang and Xingchen noticed Zhan's unusual behaviour. He was not talking much and zoning out most of the time.

" Zhan , what happen ? Why are you so quiet today ? " Xingchen asked.

Zhan sighed but remain silent . He wanted to tell them but didn't know how. Both Xingchen and Huisang heard the sigh.

" Hey tell us. " Huisang said.

" My mom want me to marry Wang Yibo. " Zhan said.

" What ??? " both of them shouted.

" Calm down ! You two ! There are other people too. " Zhan winced at their shouting.

" Is this any new prank zhan ? " Xingchen asked.

" Do you think I'll joke about something this ?" Zhan asked back.

" No, but how ? " Huisang said.

" Mom thinks that he is best match for me. I mean in this whole world , I don't know what my mom see in that Yibo. " Zhan said and sighed again.

He himself didn't know how many time he had sighed after listening his marriage news.

" I also don't think bad about him. " Huisang said.

" And why so ? " Zhan asked narrowing his eyes.

" You know when Wen Han was in hospital , Mr Wang came to take him.I met him there." Huisang said.

" Oh ! I forgot." Zhan said remembering the hospital incident.

Ah...!!! How can I forget,  I met that iceberg in hospital. Obviously he was there for Han. 'Zhan thought.

" And you were impressed by him there ?  " Zhan asked.
" Also why are you still calling him Mr Wang when there is only us ? "

" No it's not like that. I saw him how gentle he was with Wen Han . I think he is not that bad. And as for addressing him as Mr Wang, it's become a sort of habit. My dad sometimes talk about him and he always address him like that . So you know. " Huisang said.

Zhan was having enough. Even in his friends home people praise Wang Yibo.

" Stop praising him ! I have already heard enough from mom. " zhan said .

" Now tell me guys what you think ? " zhan asked.

" Why don't you give it a try ? " Huisang said.

" Not you too. " Zhan said .

" Xingchen, what do you ? " Zhan asked turning towards Xingchen.

" Zhan it's your life and this an important decision of your life. You should think about it thoroughly. We can only assure you that whatever will be your decision, we'll be there for you.
And it's not that your family will abandon you after your marriage." Xingchen said seriously.

" I know, my family won't abandon me. I was very grateful that day when I came came out of the closest and they accepted me with open arms. " Zhan said with moist eyes.

" they accepted you beacuse they love you." Huisang said putting a hand on Zhan's shoulder.

" Whatever you decide we'll support you. " Huisang said and Xingchen nodded his head.
" Thank you guys. " Zhan said smiling.

Then they drank coffee and went to see what the girls were doing.

" Hey ! You guys! Where were you ? Please pick up these bags." Jiang Yanli said pointing at the bags.

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