Chapter - 53

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In morning, two people were entangling, complimenting each other. It was a beautiful morning. The face of two souls glowing in the sun rays seeping through the space left between the curtains.

Yibo got up early as usual and found himself entangled in someone's arms. He smiled, knowing the reason very well. He checked his phone. It was 7:40. He placed the phone back and turned to his sleeping Beauty who was looking ethereal.

He missed that face so much. He placed a kiss over his forehead and tried to remove Zhan's arm from him but Zhan tighten his grip.

" Still clingy." Yibo mumbled.

" Ok , I won't go." Yibo said , lying down again.

Zhan , in sleep , found that there would be no more struggling, smiled, pressing his face more in Yibo's chest. Yibo who was watching him intently felt his chest bursting with warmth.

After twenty minutes, Yibo really need to get up as they had to leave. He tried to move Zhan but no avail.

He kissed his forehead and spoke," Wake up , Zhan"

Zhan did not even budge. Yibo kissed Zhan's forehead, his temples then his eyes , his both cheeks, lips and chin. He repeated his feathery torture .

He was again about to kiss his nose when his mouth was blocked by a palm and giggles erupted in the room.

"I'm up ! I'm up ! "Zhan said laughing, opening the dark black eyes which were shining with happiness.

" It tickles." Zhan said.

Yibo removed Zhan's palm and captured his lips for a sweet kiss. Zhan smiled in the kiss and reciprocated.

" Good morning ! " Yibo said, breaking the kiss.

" Good morning." Zhan said.

" You still sleep like a pig. How you get up everyday ? " Yibo asked , pinching Zhan's nose.

Zhan gave a goofy grin instead of answer. He had just solved the mystery behind his habit of hugging pillow.

" Why are you smiling like this ? " Yibo asked , raising his brow.

" Morning is beautiful." Zhan said and hugged Yibo who nodded in agreement.

" Yang will be here soon. We have to get up." Yibo said.

" Two minutes." Zhan said in sleepy voice.

" So lazy." Yibo whispered but smiled.

After two minutes Zhan did not have other choice except to get up. He reluctantly went to bathroom.

After sometime Yang came with clothes for both of them.

" Good morning bro ! " Yang greeted him.

" Good morning." Yibo said.

" Where is Zhan ? "

" Bathroom."

Yang nodded and sat on the sofa , opposite to Yibo's bed.

" Yibo, you know what could have happen yesterday ? " Yang said seriously.

" Nothing happened." Yibo said.

" You ! Can't you be careful ?! " Yang almost shouted.

Yibo looked at his friend and seeing the worried angry face, he sighed internally.

" Ok, ok , my fault. Cool down." Yibo said.

Yang sneered. Of course he was not buying those words. He took out clothes and breakfast from bag.

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