Chapter - 32

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Everyone was in stitches to see the hilarious scene but suddenly they heard a laughter realising that someone else had joined them too. They turned to see the person.

Everyone become silent and only one person laughter was echoing in the whole mansion.

Wang Yibo who had come home with Xue Yang stood aside to watch the show. He was amused to see them but when Zhan started running and lost compose. First his laugh got mingled with others but then they became loud.

Hearing Yibo's carefree and wild laughter, everyone was stunned. They were looking at him like a miracle. A small smile adored their faces. After so many years , they saw Yibo like that. Even Yang was surprised too.

Zhan had frozen at his place with fork in his hand. His eyes were wide open. He felt his heart stopped hearing the laugh. It was so beautiful and filled with immeasurable joy.

Yibo was still laughing unaware of others' gazes. The second main protagonist of the show went towards him and circling around his legs. Wang Yibo lift him in his arms.

" Ha ...ha....ha.... Your master  ha...ha..ha was g.. gonna  ha ha....ha... murder ha....ha...ha.. for cookies hahahaha...." Yibo said in stitches. He rubbed his nose with puppy.

Seeing it Xiao Zhan felt his heart beat increased and fuzzy- tingling  feeling seemed to erupted in his whole body.

Suddenly photo clicking sound was heard. Yibo looked in the direction and found his brother was taking his photos.

" Ge , I'm all grown up now." Yibo said , trying to control himself. His eyes were moist because of excessive laugh.

Wang Huan just smiled without saying anything.

" Take it , Han and don't give it to Zhan." Yibo said with a muffled laughs.

Wen Han took the puppy and Yibo left for his room.

" Thanks Zhan " Yang said with a grateful smile.

Zhan was still shocked so he just nodded. He had no idea what he did .

" So Yang , how are you ? Is today your working night ? " Wang Qing asked. She knew his nephew and his friend . Whenever Yang came they mostly spend whole night in study unless Wang Huan scolded them.00

" I'm fine , aunty.  I just come to meet you all." Yang said.

" So you are staying for dinner ? " Wang Qing asked.

" Yes , aunty. I'm missing Aunty Fu's cooking."

" Sweet talker." Mrs Fu said.

" Don't say like this, aunty. You are an awesome cook ." Yang said.

" You know I asked Yibo to make your our hotel's head chef but he is stingy. He doesn't want others to try your cooking."

" Oh , is that so ? " Aunty Fu said .

Yang nodded seriously.

" Don't butter me." Mrs Fu said , grabbing the other's ear.

Others laughed at them. They were enjoying too much.

" Tell the reason Yang ." Wang Qing said.

" I came to discuss a project with Huan ge but I'd doesn't mean I did not miss you." Xue Yang said defending himself.

" First freshen up ." Huan said. Yang nodded.

" Zhan dear , can you bring coffee to Yibo baba ? " Mrs Fu asked.

Zhan nodded. Aunty Fu made coffee and gave it to Zhan who moved towards their room. When he entered he saw Yibo already freshen up , sitting in balcony. He had seen him sitting at that same place many times. It seemed it was his husband's favourite place.

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