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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The sky is getting dark, and the sound of monkeys returning to their nests can be heard in the mountain forest. Most of the animals have slowly returned to their dens, and those creatures that are nocturnal will soon appear. Gusen wiped the sweat from his head and methodically set up the camp where he was sleeping tonight. He had been circling the mountain behind this undeveloped scenic area for a few days, but the legendary thing had not been found.

He had to find that within a month and start collecting the food he needed in the last days. If you can't find it this month, then that baby, eighty percent will still fall into the hands of that person, and finally die with him.

The thing Gusen was looking for was a spatial memory. This thing, just by listening to the name, is a space that can store things.

In Gusen's previous life, someone got it, but this person failed to keep the secret, and the existence of the spatial memory was leaked out. And the location where the memory was picked up was also passed on. After the memory was exposed, the military also came here to look for other useful items. But nothing was found.

The person who held the memory in the previous life, because he leaked the existence of the memory, as a result, attracted the covetousness of a certain force, and at the moment of imminent death, he activated a self-destructing device and exploded with the memory. If it weren't for the fact that Gusen knew a few military friends in his previous life, he might not have known so much detail.

That memory is said to be alien technology, and the place where it first fell was on a mountain near City A. The man who picked up the memory had seen some metal fragments around, but the fragments didn't seem to be anything special, so he didn't pay attention to them.

Later, I heard that the military had come to look for the debris, but I don't know if the environment changed too much, or the time interval was too long, and the military did not find anything useful to come back.

Gusen can know these insiders and stories, and it is also because this fact has no interest in it, so it will come out. Rao is like this, in the next five or six years, there will still be many forces in City A who will come here to go around, all with a hint of the idea that they can hit the big luck.

The sun has set, the surrounding is dark, although it is already sunny March, but the mountain is still very cold, Gusen took a flashlight and sleeping bag out, there are no large beasts on this mountain, some donkey friends occasionally camp here, so it is not too dangerous.

Gusen sprinkled some insect repellent powder, laid a moisture-proof mat, and planned to rest. While laying out the moisture-proof mat, he saw that the metal detector he was resting on his left hand side suddenly flashed twice.

Although it flashed twice, Gusen didn't pay too much attention to it, these days, this thing has flashed many times, there are always some garbage fragments on the mountain, there are quite a lot of metal, Gusen has experienced many wolves. If it weren't for the fact that there was a lot of broken metal near that space memory, he wouldn't want to get a metal detector.

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