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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"Mom, what about my dad, why didn't you call him to dinner?" Gu Sen was a little puzzled, he had been back for half a day, and Gu Weiguo had not come out.

Liu Suyu said in a low voice: "Your father stayed in the living room all night yesterday, and this will not be long after falling asleep."

In the past few days, neither of them dared to sleep much. Afraid that those monsters would rush into the house at some point, the two discussed it, and simply took turns guarding every day. Liu Suyu during the day, Gu Weiguo at night.

Liu Suyu is more confident than Gu Weiguo, after all, she knows that her son's bedroom hides guns, hands, and thunder. Gu Weiguo was more nervous, holding a kitchen knife in his hand every day, and refused to let go when he slept.

In fact, they didn't need to be scared like this, because Gusen had already swept the vicinity the day he left, although some strange beasts came again. But overall, there are far fewer exotic beasts here than in other places, and they are much more stable.

Liu Suyu didn't have a chance to shoot this week, and fortunately, she didn't have a chance to shoot, and Gusen's gun was not exposed.

In fact, Goosen didn't think his mother had a chance to shoot, and he kept the gun at that time, but just added another insurance. For the sake of fucking safety, even if it is to expose yourself to the fact that you have prepared your guns early, it is nothing. But if he could not expose the matter of the gun, Gusen was still relieved in his heart.

Liu Suyu's potato beef is the kind of beef that is vacuum-packed. Although this meat is not as delicious as fresh meat, Gusen, who has not eaten hot meals for several days, also thought it was very delicious, and ate this small pot of potato beef stew, as well as kelp shreds and seaweed soup.

After the meal, Liu Suyu cut another plate of fruit. Goosen nibbled on the orange and yawned several times. He was out this week, and his spirit was in a state of extreme tension.

Outside were all alien beasts and monsters, without a single companion, his physical fitness was only a trained ordinary person, and it was impossible not to be nervous. This will go home, and as soon as you relax, the natural sleepiness will come up.

Liu Suyu saw that her son was sleepy, so she urged him to rest. Gusen did not hesitate, and went directly back to the house to sleep. He should try to keep his physical condition to a good level, and sleep well is very beneficial to both physical and mental recovery.

After more than ten hours of sleep, Gusen was woken up by a chirping sound. The chicken he brought back, which was struggling to flutter in the cage, Gusen yawned and got out of bed to see that the small box of millet that had been placed in the birdcage yesterday had all been eaten. Such a small guy can eat so much?

Gusen couldn't help but poke the chicken boy's belly, and was pecked angrily by the chicken boy.

"If you eat so much, your stomach will be swollen, and you won't feed it today." Saying that, Gusen turned his head and put on clothes, and did not put millet, and went out to wash. The chicken boy has long been hungry, and has been waiting for this meal in the morning, seeing that Gusen has no intention of feeding, he is in a hurry, and he is more and more happy in the cage.

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