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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

After listening to Gu Sen's words, Luo Jiang immediately decided that tonight several of their high-ranking officials would separate the vigil. Not long after nightfall, Luo Jiang heard something faintly moving outside, and his approach was very simple and rude, not checking what was there, directly releasing several bolts of electricity, and the current crackled and swept around and around, and not long after, there was a scorched smell in the air.

I don't know if Luo Jiang's approach played a role, and the area around the camp was really quiet that night. The next morning, when Gu Sen went out to check, he found that there were several beast skeletons around, and there were some scorched black marks on the skeletons, which should have been electrocuted by Luo Jiang. However, looking at the shape and size, none of these animal bones are those hairballs.

I don't know if the hairballs were really scared, and I didn't see them come out for the next few days.

On the fourth day, the crowd finally arrived at the big pit. Unexpectedly, a large group of bright orange beetles gathered around this pit. These beetles crawled around at the bottom of the pit, and after a while they flew away and then another group fell.

Needless to say, these beetles are the kind of explosive bugs that Gusen encountered here a while ago. I thought that this bug was a hairball to pit itself, and it would be fine if it was blown up, but I didn't expect these things to pop up again.

"Look, are they eating these energy stones?" A fusion man pointed to the beetles at the bottom of the pit and exclaimed.

Gusen looked closely, and it seemed that it was true, the toes of these insects were constantly scraping on the energy stone, and it didn't take long to scrape out some powder. Then they sucked the powder into the mouthparts, and the orange worms that had sucked the powder flew away from the bottom of the pit.

Gusen also did not expect that these insects turned out to be species that feed on energy stones.

"Team Luo, what should we do?"

Luo Jiang glared at the man who spoke, "What else can I do, of course, kill them."

Because this bug will explode, those low-priced fusionists basically do not have to participate in the war. The low-level generally only fights in close combat, here they kill a worm, and there it explodes with a snap, which is simply looking for death.

Dealing with these orange insects basically has long-range attack capabilities. Although there are many such explosive insects, they are nothing to Luo Jiang. Especially Luo Jiang, he casually made out a few electric snakes, scurrying around, and detonated a lot of orange insects.

Probably because of the hatred of burning hair, the cubs simply hate these orange insects, and when they hit these bugs, they don't paddle like everyday, and they keep releasing spatial cracks at those orange insects.

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