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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Divorce, what do you want to do." Liu Suyu looked at Gu Sen with a crazy expression.

"Mom, do you think our family is so interesting? My dad how do they treat you, you are at home to be a cow and a horse, there is so much work in the family, who stretches out the handle, you do it alone, they are not distressed, I am distressed. My dad is still sticking to his relatives, you see such a group of people, come to our house all day, sit there like uncle, you have to serve them.

Gu Sen did not intend to say anything about his previous life, because he knew that Liu Suyu was not a person who could keep secrets. He told his mother here, and in a few days his father would know, even if he said who killed her, his mother couldn't keep it a secret.

In the past, when he was in high school, he told his mother that he took advantage of the summer vacation to save a private money, and he specially told his mother that he could not tell his father. As a result, Gu Weiguo knew about it the next day and asked him to hand over the money. As a result, he did not expect that this money was taken by him to enroll in a judo class, and he was beaten for this Gusen.

Liu Suyu was distressed. But it is still necessary to leak his secret, although Gusen loves his mother very much, but he sometimes really thinks that his mother is a person who can't support the wall. For so many years, Gu Sen has become accustomed to taking everything to heart and never says too much to Liu Suyu.

Speaking of the things of the previous life, it was actually the evil result of the greed indulged by Gu Weiguo. They fled back from other places, because the house was occupied, and if they wanted to live back, they had to pay food and points to the rich family every month, and a few people in the family could only live in one and a half houses. The rest of the house is occupied by the uncle and his family.

After working hard for more than two years, they saved up some things, and finally found another house and planned to move out. But Gu Weiguo still didn't want to move, he seemed to have completely forgotten how Gu Dafu took his house, and he still felt that his brothers were a family and helped each other to live well.

But the main force that will earn points in the family is Gu Yang and Gu Sen, and both of them insist on moving, so they can only move. But after moving away, he also has to raise his mother, so Gu Weiguo has to send Gu Tai some food every month, thirty pounds of meat powder and thirty liters of water every month, barely enough for an old lady to eat for most of half a month.

No one expected that a few years later, Gu Sen could fuse a low-level beast core with great luck, and then the group of relatives of the Gu family were entangled like blood-sucking leeches, and Gu Tai asked to change the alimony to two hundred points per month, as well as ten pounds of cornmeal and sixty liters of water.

Two hundred points, enough to feed two people, and counting cornmeal or something, Gu Tai's asking price is simply a lion's mouth. You must know that there will be a shortage of water in the A city, and the price of water has risen sharply, and it has reached a point for a liter of water. Cornmeal is also not cheap, five points can be exchanged for a pound of cornmeal, and meat meal is the cheapest, one point can be a pound of meat meal.

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