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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The beast core and the corpse cannot be stored in the storage together, and can only be separated. Goosen's memory originally only had three cells left, and before I went to one of the compartments, I put some moth powder sacs, which would have to be taken out to put the salamander corpse and the beast core in.

After putting it down, his memory was empty this time and the compartment was gone. After Gusen collected the two corpses, he turned his attention to the three salamanders who were intoxicated with illusions.

The fruits of their hard day were swallowed by themselves, and two companions died, and even the corpses of their companions were taken by themselves, and if he was a salamander, when he woke up, he would have chased him for revenge.

Warcraft's IQ is very high, and its five senses are sensitive, and it is only a matter of time before it wants to find itself. Beast nuclear fusion takes time, and it takes longer to gain power. He couldn't compete with the other party in a short period of time.

So, to survive safely, you have to slaughter these three salamanders. But once the salamander is attacked, even in hallucinations, it will attack.

At the temperature at which they breathe fire, as long as they are around, they are dead and alive. The skin of this thing is so thick, and the two that died, it took half an hour to cut their own skin, and it was not so easy to kill them quickly.

However, Gusen was also prepared, and he took a bunch of fried and ejected from the memory. These are the gifts for these salamanders.

There are a lot of wounds on the salamanders, all made by the monster, many of which are close to the organs, Gusen tied the explosion and bomb next to the wound, one after another, almost tied the three salamanders into a Christmas tree.

Such a large number of explosions and bombs, if they explode, I don't know how powerful it will be, the only thing that is certain is that these salamanders should be dead. After tying up the bomb and bomb, Gusen hung a hand and a mine on the outermost □□.

Gusen tied the rope to the ring of his hand and thunder, slowly retreated, fortunately he put a lot of rope in his memory, and after retreating for about a few hundred meters, he chose a place to hide, fell to the ground, and pulled the rope violently, covering his ears.

Booming, the explosion was so loud that it almost deafened Gusen. Those three salamanders were already seriously injured by that monster, and they were so beaten by Gu Senyin that they died without even making a cry.

After waiting for the side to calm down, Gusen stood up and shook the dust and stones on his body, and trotted to the explosion site.

These three salamanders are really solid enough, and with such a powerful explosion, there are almost seventy percent of the corpses left. The burnt place is only a shallow layer on the outside, but the outer skin is intact and of little use, and the internal organs have basically broken into paste.

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