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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

What the military now means is to determine who the prophet is, to find a way to communicate with him, so that the other party can feel the goodwill of the military, so that they can get more information, rather than suspecting who is going to arrest.

The reason why psychological counseling was used as an excuse this time was also because he did not want to arouse the bad feelings of the prophet, and if the military went door-to-door to interrogate, maybe the man would never appear again.

But this is not going to know what the military thinks, and he can't think about it, because his uncle's family has come to the door.

Gusen's fusion period had only begun for a week, and the uncle's family came to the door. When he was burning in his bed, he heard the house suddenly become chaotic, and then he heard the high-pitched voice of Gu Tai, and cried twice from time to time. It's a dead man, and this will wake up.

"Wei Guo, your eldest brother's family is now homeless, you can't ignore your eldest brother, when your family Yangyang was sent to the countryside, it was all taken care of by your sister-in-law. A handful of and a handful of urine to bring up. How did your eldest brother treat you back then, you can't be without a conscience. This

stubble again, this set of words Gusen has been listening to for more than ten years, in short, taking care of the credit of the eldest brother is like a brick, whoever needs to move over there.

At that time, Gu Yang was sent to the countryside and handed over to Gu Tai to take care of, although he gave a lot of living expenses. But Gu Tai lived with Gu Dafu's family, so it can barely be said that Gu Yang was taken care of by Gu Dafu's family. This is also the reason why Gu Weiguo paid for his uncle to buy a house back then, and Liu Suyu was not good to say anything.

Later, the second uncle's family made a fuss about asking his father to help buy a house, but he didn't think about using this excuse, saying that Gu Yang also lived in his house for a long time.

Fortunately, when Gu Weiguo went to college, it was still the time when the state contracted everything. At that time, even the living expenses were subsidized by the grain and oil issued by the state, which was almost thirty a month, enough for one person to eat and drink, otherwise the eldest uncle and second uncle would have to put out the kindness for his brother to study today.

Goosen rubbed his head, it seemed that in a few moments, he would have to be moved out of this house. The population of the eldest uncle's family is quite large, the ancient wife, the eldest uncle, the eldest aunt, the hall brother's family of four, the second cousin and two sons, this is nine people.

"What about your family Gusen, why didn't he come out, so many people came, did he hide in the house and not come out?" Gu Tai's voice is still very neutral, not at all like an old lady who has just suffered a crime.

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