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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

I don't know if my mother will be sad when she finds out, and Gusen is constantly thinking about what to say. Thinking about it, Goosen thought it was better to say it bluntly.

"Sensen, what's wrong, why did you lose something?" Liu Suyu saw that as soon as her son returned, he stiffened his face with a very strange expression on his face.

"Mom, sit down, I have something to tell you." Gu Sen pushed Liu Suyu down on the sofa, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly spoke: "I just went to my father's side to see it, and my grandmother said that my father was gone when he was in December last year."

Liu Suyu stayed for a while before finally reacting.

She looked incredulous: "What did you say? Are you saying your dad is gone?!

Goosen nodded. Liu Suyu's tears came down instantly, even if she had more dissatisfaction with Gu Weiguo, but they were also husband and wife for many years, where would they think, how can this person say that it is gone.

Gusen watched his mother cry quietly for a while, and silently handed over a towel.

"Why didn't your dad do it?" Liu Suyu choked and asked, she knew that Gu Weiguo was extremely desperate, and he had to go for a physical examination every year, and his body was obviously very good, how could he be gone.

"My grandmother said, they had no money there, they couldn't even eat, so my dad and my uncle went out of town. As a result, the people did not come back after going out, and they should have been eaten by foreign beasts outside the city. Gusen said lightly.

Liu Suyu nodded: "Sure enough, I said, how could your father suddenly disappear, it turned out to be because of his relatives." Suddenly, she scolded violently, from Gu Weiguo to Gu Tai, and then to the Gu family's bunch of relatives, not a single one was spared.

She knew that Gu Weiguo's death was requested by himself, and it was forced out by a bunch of relatives of the Gu family. If she hadn't left there in time with Gusen, maybe there would have been more mother and son among the people who were forced to die.

Goosen was stunned by this fucking scolding. This was the first time he had seen Liu Suyu scolding, and he scolded so badly and ruthlessly. In Goosen's memory, his mother has always been a particularly gentle, very talkative person, and never swearing. Unexpectedly, it turned out that she did not know how to say, but never said.

"If your father lives alone, as long as he can find a job at the base, he will not be unable to support himself." No matter how bad it is, it is to help people fetch water and carry water every day, and they can earn a bite to eat. If it weren't for your uncle's whole family moving over, the expenses would have increased, and how could it have fallen to the point of having no food and having to go out of the city. Liu Suyu said while scolding Gu Weiguo's brain into the water.

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