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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

So many points in the house, even if only one candle is lit, the whole room is shiny.

Liu Suyu was completely frightened and stupid, she looked at these points, and stammered for a long time without saying a word.

The chicken boy was stupid for a long time, and then chirped to Goosen, 'How much food can you buy for so much money?' Eldest brother! You're amazing, how did you make so much money. It's going to climb along the pole, and it's even called big brother, who used to call it directly."

Gusen looked at so many points and was stunned for a while. With so many points, where to put it, this is also too much space.

He didn't know where to put it, and the chickens were flying around excitedly, and the little furry body was still rolling around on the points. Goosen glanced at it, "You're going to think about good things, so many points, you should be able to spend them." The base is stipulated, and everyone has a quota for buying food every month, and no one who exceeds the share sells it. The

chicken boy was instantly dumbfounded, it turned out that even if he had money, he couldn't buy it casually, and he was suddenly depressed.

Goosen threw the points into the living room, and didn't care. The next day, Liu Suyu got up and saw the golden cancan in this room, and was still in a trance for a while. But it was only for a moment, and she was still thinking about the two pieces of pork she had delivered yesterday. Such good pork, such fat meat, she has not seen it for a long time. I have to hurry up and make it today, this weather can't be put away for long.

Gu Sen ordered the chicken boy to watch the house at home, so he drove to the Sujie side, and last night a few people walked around outside his house, probably stepping on the spot.

Gusen didn't even come out of the door, and directly fired infrasonic waves at those people. At that time, several people were lying down, although they were not dead, but they were enough to choke, and they were all gone this morning. Probably knowing that his temper is not good, this will be quite quiet outside his house, and there is no one to watch.

"Move to Gu Ge's house?" Sujie had a dark eye and looked at Gusen with a confused expression, a little not understanding what the other party meant.

"It's like this..." Gusen said yesterday's events, and said that there were already many ill-intentioned people outside his house, and when Sujie heard it, he didn't shirk, and immediately woke up Chi Sleep, packed up his clothes, and prepared to move to Gusen's side for a few days.

Gusen thought that he had packed too few things, so he helped him pack up and packed everything he could. While pretending to return it, he said: "It's too unsafe to let my mother be at home alone, and I don't have any credible people, if you don't live with me in the future, this house will be rented out." On weekdays, you will help me look at my home and block things. If we both go out of town, I'll send my mother to the barracks for a few days. Sujie's

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