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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

In addition to getting purified water every day, Goosen also runs several small breweries and orders beer in large quantities from the factory. For this reason, he also specially bought a bunch of wooden barrels, which were specially used to hold beer, and those barrels that people pulled from the factory every day.

After the others left, he was taken away from the wine in the rented warehouse, and the next day he was asked to pull wooden barrels to fill new wine. There is no way to be so troublesome, who calls the storage of the ingredient grid, can only store a single ingredient, and the packaged ones cannot be stuffed in.

But what Gusen didn't expect was that these beers could be put into the compartment where the water was stored, probably because nearly 90% of the composition of the beer was moisture, so this could be stored in the lattice of the stored water.

In addition to exercising every day, Gusen fills beer. The days were a rare leisurely one. By the end of the year, he plans to go to Europe, and he already has a visa for the trip, which should be easy to get it.

After collecting beer every day and working for two months, Gusen put more than 800,000 liters of beer in the memory.

The reason why he wants to buy so much beer is naturally because he really loves beer and will collect such a large amount. In my last life, I don't care who it is, I can't drink beer after a few years, but I still have to drink liquor.

Although the liquor on the market is also very precious, but there are previously stored, plus some upper classes will secretly use grain to make wine, there is still liquor, although expensive scary, in the end there are still some.

But the beer is gone. No one grows barley, no one grows hops, and you can't brew it if you want to.

Gusen collects so much beer, and he doesn't plan to sell it, so it's not enough to drink it himself. Beer is a special relief from the heat. In the compartment where he stored water, in addition to the mineral water and pure water he collected, he also collected nearly two thousand tons of edible ice.

It's beautiful to think of a big beer with ice cubes on that hot day.

Gusen had little interest in liquor. He planned to buy some liquor and save it for points or something, but the amount would not be too large, who let his storage not be put into it with the package. Collecting a bunch of liquor without bottles is not very easy to sell.

He was also going to buy some tobacco and save it, which of course was also very expensive. But it's not too outrageous, because tobacco consumers are basically ordinary people.

Most people who have fused the animal core do not like the taste of tobacco very much, and it is difficult for tobacco to bring much stimulation to their mutated bodies. Some sensitive fusionists believe that secondhand smoke impairs the sensitivity of their five senses.

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