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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 118

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Chapter 118

The silver-grained stone digging is very smooth, but the fusion of Gusen is not so smooth. These days, after he rested every night, he would flash in his mind some pictures that he had never seen before, that was the experience of that space monster before his death.

In his dreams, Goosen watched how the beast grew up, how it left the mother beast, how it found its first food, how it fought with other beasts. The joy, pain, sadness, loss, and all the emotions in the other party's growth, Gusen felt the same way, he seemed to be the monster.

When Gu Sen woke up that day, his eyes were stunned for a while, and he seemed to wonder why he was here.

He didn't move, just looked at Sujie with a strange face, this in front of him is indeed the breath of the same race, but why does it look so strange? What is this place, didn't he just finish fighting a silver-clawed beast? It remembers that it seems to be seriously injured, but why does it not feel pain in its body?

Being stared at by Gu Sen so directly, Sujie also woke up quickly. As soon as he wanted to ask what was wrong, he saw that Gu Sen's glasses were full of vigilance, and there was even a trace of killing intent


and Su Jie's heart suddenly jumped, which was not the look Gu Ge should have. The look in Gu Ge's eyes when he looked at him would definitely not be like this.

"Brother Gu, what's wrong with you?" Sujie just wanted to reach out and touch Gusen, but the other party's hand was a spatial crack. If it weren't for Sujie's timely reaction and his hand shrinking quickly, I was afraid that his arm would be swallowed by this spatial crack.

Looking at the spatial crack that Gu Sen made, Su Jie was stunned, how could Gu Ge suddenly attack him, and Gu Ge's fusion of that beast core was only more than ten days of kung fu, how could he use the spatial attack move in such a short time.

The chicken boy was also woken up by the movement of the two, and slowly got out of Gusen's sleeping bag, just climbed out, and felt that the sight above his head seemed to be a little wrong, the chicken boy looked up, how today Gusen looked at its eyes, just like watching breakfast.

The hair on the chicken boy involuntarily stood up, and before it could open its mouth to 'chirp', Gusen over there had already grabbed it and was about to stuff it into its mouth, and the shocked chicken boy sprayed fire on Gusen's hand. This fire is not very hot, it just gives Gusen a little pain.

"Hiss." This sudden pain woke Gusen up from his dazed state.

"It hurts, who burned me?" Goosen looked at the sudden burn on his arm, a little strange, and asked as he broke a piece of ice from nearby and pasted it on his arm.

Seeing that Gu Sen had returned to normal, Su Jie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and tentatively asked, "Brother Gu, don't you remember what you did just now?"

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