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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The creatures of that world can be divided into two categories in general, those without beast cores, called alien beasts, and one with beast cores, called Warcraft.

The number of alien beasts is the largest, and it is easier to kill than Warcraft. The alien beast has no special ability, basically relying on the strength of its own flesh, and the attack method is relatively conventional. And the reason why Warcraft is called Warcraft is naturally because their attack methods are particularly unconventional, just like magical powers in novels and games.

But whether it is a foreign beast or a Warcraft, their survival and combat ability is extremely strong, and they quickly adapt to the environment here, and the battle with humans is also easy, followed by a long war between the two sides.

Fortunately, the base on the side of City A later found that the beast core of the Warcraft could be fused by humans, and those who fused the beast core would have the special ability of the Warcraft, and it was precisely because of these beast core fusionists that the base gradually gained a foothold in the war with the Warcraft.

But standing firm, does not mean that the situation of the base in City A has improved too much, I don't know if because of the connection of the two planes, the climate here has begun to become abnormal, the temperature has been rising during the day, and the temperature at night is falling, as if it was assimilated by that plane.

After two or three years, the temperature in City A can basically reach more than 50 degrees during the day, more than 60 degrees at the hottest time, and only minus 10 degrees at night.

Then came a long drought, and the monsters who came to the earth gathered in the water sources, occupying those surface water sources, and it became very difficult to obtain surface water. If you want to drink water, you can only pump deep groundwater, which will not be able to use most of the machines, and the base of the entire city A has only made a few deep wells, and the draft of the whole city is very tight.

Later, even deep groundwater could not be pumped out, fresh water became more precious than anything else, and people died of thirst every day. Because of the lack of water, many people left City A and wanted to go to the southern base to seek a living. What happened to these people, no one knows, after all, those places are not close to City A, and the danger along the way, no one can say.

Gu Sen also had the idea of leaving, but because Liu Suyu was unable to follow him on a long journey, he stayed in City A. Later, thanks to the military counterattack, a surface water source was recaptured from Warcraft, which alleviated the water shortage in City A, but even if it was alleviated, the cost of water was still very high, after all, the surface water source had to be guarded by military personnel and the pipeline had to be maintained.

In those days, food was not the hardest thing to obtain, because there were almost endless alien beasts from the ectopic plane, so meat was plentiful. Most people make a living by eating the meat powder of those exotic beasts.

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