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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

People who fuse the nucleus of the beast, their genes have changed, and it can be said that they are not real people.

In addition to superpowers, the bodies of these fusionists will also have some animalization characteristics in the later stages of fusion.

The temperament of the fusion person will also change a lot, and the mood is different from that of normal people. Some are irritable, some are particularly sensitive, and some are thirsty for killing. At first, several beast fusion people also tried to participate in the management of City A, but they were silently squeezed out after a while.

In his previous life, Gusen had not seen a few beast nuclear fusion people who could mix well on the government's side, even if they were beast nuclear fusion people who had always been in normal mood, they could not take power. Because they want to go out to fight, earn points, catch Warcraft, and improve their combat ability, they don't have much thought to put on management.

Some of the frequents formed their own forces, and in the end, they were unknowingly erected. That fusion person is nominally the leader of that force, and really counted, it should be the most powerful thug in that force.

There are also some fusions who have made hunting squads. But given that these fusions are very strange, the cohesion of the squad is not very strong. Of course, this is not absolute, some squads are still very good, but the size of that squad is not large.

Gu Sen intends to find a high-level beast core to fuse, which means that he may be more affected by emotions, so he doesn't think about the matter of domination.

Besides, even if he was not affected by the beast core, Gusen felt that his IQ and EQ were not high enough to manage a large force.

He also didn't want to be responsible for the livelihood of so many of his people, which was too laborious. Therefore, he would rather leak all this useful information for mankind, as long as he can increase the power of the human side, he can restore order as soon as possible.

But if you want to post it online, the timing of this meeting is a little inappropriate. After all, there is still more than a year left from plane fusion, too early to release it, I don't know how many people can remember it, to release it in the last few days, to a fatigue bombing, someone can always write down some.

After all the preparations were made, Gusen went to Russia, where he found a new training ground, intending to continue special training there, marksmanship, this thing, if you don't practice for a long time, you can also learn how to do it. There is also the maintenance of physical condition, which must be continuous, and he still has a lot of money on hand, which is enough for him to spend a long time there.

A year later


"Sensen, what are you holding here?" Liu Suyu watched Gu Sen bend over and carry a heavy large plastic foam box into the house.

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