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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

"How did you pandas save them, after the plane fusion, no one should take care of them, right?" Goosen was a little puzzled.

"In fact, at the beginning, I didn't care much about them, but in our army, many soldiers liked them very much, and after they fused the beast core, they paid for it themselves, managed to get a few plantations, and raised all the pandas they rescued. In addition to the pandas, the soldiers also rescued some other animals, all of which they made in their own greenhouse area, and they were responsible for food, which was not easy.

"Okay, then let's get rid of the worm quickly." Gusen, who was anxious to come back to see the panda, did not need Wang Le's urging, and went to the planting area himself.

Luo Jiang Jinxu and they didn't move, still squatting in front of the greenhouse, looking at the panda inside with a honey smile, the smile looked like a 'kind old mother'.

Because he was worried about the panda, Gusen's work was also very fast, and in less than a morning, he had completed the plantation land. Gusen thought that he would be able to see the panda, but Wang Le dragged him to another plantation with a smile.

I worked like this until the evening, and Gu Sen was so tired that he didn't want to talk at all, and he still couldn't suck the panda.

Fortunately, the base here was not too dark, and I made a big meal to entertain them in the evening. All kinds of Warcraft meat, Sichuan cuisine made of exotic beast meat, and even skewers, eating Gusen they are simply appetizing.

Because of the panda's relationship, after Gu Sen helped complete all the planting areas, he was born on the Shudi side for more than half a month. In the past half a month, Gusen has been addicted to panda, squatting every day to watch each other eat, and from time to time he can stroke his hair, touch his ears or something. Those pandas are also very accustomed to being watched so closely.

Gusen, who sucked the panda and was furious, even took the root whiskers of the giant plant out and asked if he could feed this to the panda.

He didn't dare to take those thick ones, the energy in them was too high. Just take the thinnest kind, this level of energy, ordinary people can also withstand it. The team that raised the panda was a little uneasy at first, but then took a little to feed their cow, but after the cow ate the root whiskers, it was simply excited, and finally even shed tears.

After making sure that the cow was okay, the soldiers agreed to feed the panda with Gusennagen. But to be on the safe side, let him only feed the oldest panda.

The oldest panda, after sniffing the root whisker, held it and gnawed it over there. It gnawed so fragrantly, it clicked a little. The few people watching next to him were hungry, and even Sujie couldn't help but touch a root whisker and gnaw it. The other pandas all pounced after smelling the smell, even ignoring the bamboo shoots.

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