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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

Zhou Ru counted the food in the warehouse through the window, silently checking over and over in his heart, and the food in the warehouse did not come out a little more. There are only 120 packs of instant noodles left. 23 boxes of canned fruit, 9 boxes of canned meat, 11 packs of biscuits, and a five-pound bag of black beans.

Also checking the food by the window was a middle-aged woman, supposedly a business executive, surnamed Wang. The two of them looked at each other, because they knew that they would definitely send someone out to find food again in the next two days.

There are more than 60 people here, and even if you save it, these will only be enough to eat for a few days. There is still water, and it seems that it is not enough, the last time it rained was more than a month ago, and the weather has been getting drier recently, and it is estimated that it will not rain.

Every time I go out looking for food, there's going to be a fight here. The people who are drawn, even if they don't cry or make trouble, their companions are also going to toss.

In fact, Zhou Ru also understood that after she won the draw to find food, her whole heart was cold. Going out to find food outside where monsters are rampant is like going to the guillotine the next day. Before she set off that day, she felt sick in her stomach, she was afraid that she couldn't eat anything, and finally thought that she couldn't run out of strength when she was running for her life outside, so she forced herself to eat something.

Fortunately, they were lucky that time, only one person died, and everyone else ran back alive. I don't know how many people will die this time, in fact, it is quite boring to live like this, and the number of people in this survival point has slowly decreased, from more than three hundred people at the beginning to sixty-three people now. It probably won't be long before all of them are going to die clean.

Zhou Ru returned to the hall of the survivor point, saying that it was a hall, but it was just a larger basement. This is the underground building of a biological company with a total of five floors. I don't know what this company does, these five underground floors are very strong, and they won't leak any breath, so they can hide here for so long. Only here do you have to worry about when those terrible monsters will drag them out and tear them up and eat them.

As soon as he entered the hall, Zhou Ru saw that Sun Tie had already placed the box for drawing lots in front of him. Could it be that there is a lottery today, obviously the food is still enough to eat for a day or two, why is it drawn so early. The survivors were basically here, and everyone looked at the box with pale faces.

Although no one wanted to draw lots, no one dared to say such things, because as early as the very beginning, the rules here were already established, and those who refused to draw lots would be expelled. Those who draw lots but refuse to go out in search of food are also evicted. This is a rule that most people pass.

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