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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

Luo Jiang already had a faint feeling in his heart, and Chu Cheng was afraid that it was really good. Yan Jing continued: "Chu Cheng, he is afraid that he has been parasitized by that plant, and now he is no longer our person. Given his danger, I think it's best not to bring him back to base and not let him follow us.

"Wait, Dr. Yan, what do you mean by that, are you saying that Ah Cheng is completely helpless? He's just parasitized, and it's only been a few hours, how can you just say give up, we have Kim Wook here, he can manipulate plants. That kind of moss should also be a plant, I don't believe Jin Xu can't get it!

Ye Donghua didn't want to believe this at all, he and Luo Jiang and Chu Cheng were all from the same team, and how many times they were born and died together. Obviously, the other party didn't even have any injuries on his body, but just touched the centipede, how could he give up his comrades.

Before Jin Xu could speak, Yan Jing sighed and said, "It's not that I want to give up on him, I don't think Jin Xu will be of much use." If it doesn't work, let him try.

Jin Xu withstood the pressure of a group of people and tried to expel that kind of moss from Chu Cheng's body, and at first, a little moss really flowed out of Chu Cheng's ears. Ye Donghua saw that the moss was made out, so he fed Chu Cheng a fruit of that kind. Chu Cheng, who woke up, looked surprised for the rest of his life, and then asked Sujie to loosen his bonds.

Luo Jiang closed his eyes, turned his head and asked Yan Jing: "Dr. Yan, what is going on, why are those moss all out, and A Orange has not yet recovered."

Chu Cheng hurriedly said in the back: "Why didn't I recover, didn't I already get better." However, Luo Jiang ignored the other party at all, and gave Chu Cheng another bottle of anesthetic.

What kind of eyes his brother looked like, would he not recognize it. It was really the original Chu Cheng, after sobering up, the first time he would definitely not ask for loosening, but to strictly check themselves and make sure that he would not infect that terrible thing to his comrades. This person who does not consider his comrades at all is still the parasitic Chu Orange.

"Have you heard of zombie ants on Earth?" Yan Jing asked.

"Zombie ants?" "What's that?"

"We still have this kind of thing on Earth? Is it the legendary thing of the zombie virus? Ye Donghua looked surprised.

Yan Jing shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with the zombie virus, this zombie ant is a kind of ant parasitized by fungi." The fungus allows its own spores to parasitize ants. After the ant is parasitized, its behavior is completely up to itself, and everything is decided by the fungus in its body.

Fungi manipulate ants to places suitable for their growth. Let the other person die, and then grow new spores from the other party's corpse to infect other ants passing by. This moss-eight is a similar creature.

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