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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

The staff of the processing plant also changed a lot, and those who were found to have reported to several other forces were fired. This time Gusen proposed to divide it into several processing, and the other party did not want to be unwilling like the first time, but very happily agreed, and Gusen took out the high-ranking corpse first.

He knew that there were no other fuses in this factory, so this corpse divided into a dozen parts, the other party could not distinguish anything. Not long after, the high-level corpse was made into meat powder, Gu Sen carefully received all of it into the jade box, watching the last bit of being swept into the box, Gu Sen's joy in his heart was indescribable, finally, finally able to eat the meat of this high-level monster.

Then there were the corpses of the middle-rank Warcraft that went out to fight this time, the space Warcraft, half of the Spirit Demon Beast, and the Demon Beast Jerky found from Lu Shiqing. The corpse of the space monster was processed separately, and when it was processed, Sujie held the cub and waited outside the factory, afraid that the cub would smell the mother beast and think of something bad.

Not long after, Gusen walked out holding a bunch of jade boxes, the amount of meat powder processed this time is still quite a lot, that space monster processed more than a hundred kilograms of meat powder, the spirit department of the monster corpse Gusen only took half, the meat powder is relatively small, only more than thirty kilograms. The jerky found from Lu Shiqing was processed into forty kilograms of meat powder.

Taking the processed animal meat powder, Gu Sen took Sujie to the military area, intending to bring Liu Suyu and them back, speaking of which they have not seen each other for almost two months, and it was autumn when they left, and it would already be winter. It is that this weather does not look like winter at all, the temperature during the day is still about 20 degrees, but the temperature at night has dropped to minus 10 degrees.

When they arrived at the military area, they saw that downstairs where Liu Suyu lived, the chicken boy was grinning in the middle of a group of half-sized chickens, jumping around looking for insects to eat, and the bugs found by other chickens, this guy was still very shameful to grab them. When Gusen came over, the chicken boy was so shocked that he forgot to hold down the chicken under his feet, and directly let the other party run away with the worm.

'Tweet Tweet' The chicken boy screamed and pounced excitedly.

Just as Chicken Boy wanted to tell Gusen about what happened in the next two months, he saw Sujie coming over with a very strange cat with a long and strange length.

The chicken boy chirped with a curious look, and stretched out his head to look, what is this thing? Is this a cat that looks a little like it, but doesn't quite look like it? Before Gusen could introduce it, he didn't expect that the cub jumped down from Sujie's arms and took the chicken into his mouth with one mouth. The whole chicken was stunned, and before it could breathe fire, the other party's mouth was opened by Gusen.

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