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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Realizing that today's harvest was a good festival, I decided to cook a good meal to entertain Gusen. When they were picking vegetables, Gusen saw that many of the vegetables in the yard seemed to be about the same length. I just wanted to say that so many dishes are going to grow old if they are not collected. As a result, before he spoke, he suddenly remembered the nature of Sujie.

Gu Sen pointed to the dishes in the courtyard and asked with some hesitation: "These, do you plan to take them out tomorrow and sell them?"

Su Jie replied: "No, many people grow their own vegetables now, and it is not cost-effective to sell vegetables directly." These dishes, I plan to make all of these dishes with Pig Bao into small pickles and sell them. Brother Gu, you have also eaten the pickled dishes from my house, and they taste good. There aren't a few of these delicious side dishes on the market, and I have a regular customer who loves our side dishes. The price is very smooth every time, and the points are also given happily, and they are never on credit. We will be ready to collect this dish tomorrow and marinate. It

was the first time that Goosen had seen a Fusion Man give up his identity to make money, and he had never seen a Fusion Man set up a stall to do small business in his last life. Gusen didn't know what to say, so he could only pat Sujie's head, "Don't tire yourself."

Su Jie waved his hand, "I won't be tired at all doing this little thing, as long as I eat Warcraft meat powder every day, I feel energetic." By the way, Brother Gu, if you have any broken knives and pots or things at home, just take them over, and I'll fix them all for you, and make sure they are even better than before. The

corner of Gu Sen's mouth twitched, and his heart said, continue to develop like this, in the future, Sujie will not go with him to form any hunting squads outside the city, it is estimated that he can be directly recruited by the army to work as a senior technician in the factory. Although it is good to be a mechanic, the strength is like that. No, he can't let people be abducted, it's easy to meet such a teammate with good character, and he can't watch the other party work as a mechanic.

"Don't bother with practicing subtle exercises, try something more aggressive. After all, when we go out in the future, I don't know what else we will encounter. Goosen pouted.

Sujie also did not detect Gu Sen's sinister intentions, and felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

As a result, I didn't expect that the military people came to the door the next day, which also complained that the military reacted quickly, it was really too much movement yesterday, and most of the metal products taken out by Sujie were old goods, and only the metal part was repaired brand new. Now there is no condition to repair metal products anywhere else, except for the military's factories.

Then people who can repair so many metal products must have special abilities in this regard.

The military has also seen the description of the gold-eating beast on the material given by Gusen, and also knows that someone from the processing plant brought two Warcraft to the processing plant more than two months ago, one of which is rich in various heavy metals. There has long been speculation that there will be fusionists who manipulate metals.

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