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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

However, no matter how good the marksmanship is, in this case, the mentality and courage must also keep up, in the face of a monster that rushes over, if it is not calm enough, I am afraid that it will be difficult to aim at the target, and can only waste bullets and opportunities.

And Gusen's psychological quality is enough for him to cope with the current situation.

Four shots went in, enough to completely destroy the brain of this multi-legged beast, because the death was fast enough, the multi-legged beast did not have time to shoot the foot out, which also made Gusen slightly relieved.

And after the multi-legged beast died, I saw a white thing thrown out of the window on the third floor, it was the dog, the third floor was not high, but it was not low, after the dog fell, although it was not dead, it also fell and could not move, and it couldn't stop wailing downstairs.

The family was probably also scared and a little angry, so they threw the dog out.

Gu Sen thought in his heart, he had seen how this family petted this dog before, and this dog often pounced at people and scared the neighbor's children. Their family just laughed and said that it was a joke, never scolded the dog, and constantly showed how much they loved the dog in their daily life, and he thought that the family really regarded this dog as family.

After killing this multi-legged beast, Gusen probably counted several exotic beasts that were jumping around the community, except for a dozen or so herbivorous camel beasts. There are not many lethal ones, frog beasts, multi-legged beasts, and a few spiny spiders and moth beasts flying in the sky.

The spiny spider is a kind of ground-walking beast, extremely fast, no more than a meter tall, a little like a spider, and the way of feeding is also very similar to a spider. The front half of the stinging spider's body has four blade-like forelimbs, and on these forelimbs, there are dozens of stinging tubes injected with venom.

If accidentally stabbed by the forelimbs of the spiny spider, the venom will be injected and quickly flow throughout the body, and it will not be long before the inside of the person's body will melt into a slimy mass of gravy, and at this time the spiny spider will comfortably reach out, pierce the skin, suck the gravy inside, and finally leave a thin skin wrapped in bone.

These are just foreign beasts, there is no beast core on the body, only the poisonous sac on the body, and the mucus is still somewhat useful. Only those moth beasts, those hallucinogenic scale powders on the other party, he must collect a large amount today.

The body size of the moth beast is not large, and the body length is about sixty or seventy centimeters. The body is divided into four segments, eight legs, silver-gray, two pairs of wings, and the flight altitude will not exceed 100 meters. The moth beast's combat effectiveness is not strong, but it has a very useful attack method. It ejects a scale powder, which is somewhat toxic, but the main effect is strong hallucinogenic.

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