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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Are you going to drive me away, or do you want me to pay me back." Gu Yang hated it.

Gu Weiguo snorted coldly next to him: "If you want to go, he will go, as for the 150,000, it is not borrowed by your eldest brother, and I can't use your little money as a father!"

Gusen couldn't help but smile: "You father and son are so insightful, who is fighting for your rotten house." How old are the old men, do not work at all, do you want to face? Gu Yang, I don't want to recognize you as a brother, treat your own mother as an old mother, what kind of stuff!

Liu Suyu never expected that things could develop to this point, and the whole person was stunned. When her whole person was dizzy, she listened to Gu Weiguo say that no one would leave, and if she wanted to leave, Gu Sen would get out alone, and she was immediately angry.

"Gu Weiguo, what do you want to do, if you want to rush Sensen, if you rush Sensen, let's... Let's divorce. Sensen, don't quarrel with your eldest brother, if you quarrel again, I'll be angry! Liu

Suyu's words are very unconfident, in the end, it is a bun for many years, and no one will be blackmailed. But even if she didn't want to blackmail people at all, she said this hard, just because the most important thing in her heart was her child, whether it was Gu Yang or Gu Sen, in Liu Suyu's eyes, it was her most precious treasure.

Because of Liu Suyu's maintenance, the family still failed to make trouble in the end, and no one in the family was in the mood to eat, so they hastily cleaned up the table and went back to their house. Gu Sen felt a pity in his heart, if he really made a lot of trouble, maybe he could leave the house smoothly with his mother.

In the next few days, the atmosphere of the Gu family seemed to freeze. Gu Yang gambled and did not eat at home, basically ordered takeaway, and the child did not let Liu Suyu bring it.

Liu Suyu wanted to persuade, and felt that the two brothers did not need to make a fuss like this. Her concept is still brotherly and brotherly, and its profit is broken. Gu Sen sneered in his heart, Gu Yang is not bad, not to take advantage, but also break the gold with the same heart.

Gu Sen cooks meals for three people every day, Liu Suyu doesn't want to get his hands dirty at all, if his father doesn't eat, Gu Sen won't cook his next meal.

Although Gu Weiguo was angry, he still ate it, he refused to eat takeaway, and always felt that it was all made of gutter oil, which was particularly unhealthy. As for cooking by yourself, this is an impossible task for Gu Weiguo, and people who have not been in the kitchen for decades can't tell the difference between soy sauce and vinegar.

No matter how strange the atmosphere at home was, Gusen didn't feel anything. Who thought that within two days, sister-in-law Li Xiaoli's mother Wang Mei specially rushed from the suburbs to City A.

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