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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

After the beads disappeared, the cub looked at Sujie nervously, I don't know how long it took. Gusen and Sujie finally moved, and the two slowly opened their eyes, and the expressions on their faces were still a little confused, as if they didn't understand how they were here.

It took another seven or eight minutes before Goosen slowly recalled what had just happened. At that time, he broke out in a cold sweat. I lost consciousness less than a second after I came down, and I had a strange dream that was messy. The strangest thing was that he had been feeling very happy and happy in his dreams, and he didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Seeing that Sujie also regained his sanity, the cub jumped into Sujie's arms with a 'whimper', his head rubbed back and forth on Sujie's chin, and he couldn't stop licking Sujie's face. I freaked out today, and I thought something was wrong with my mother.

The chicken boy, who had been hiding in the distance, saw that he was fine, and he would also fly over. As soon as he saw Gusen, he first showed himself the effort, and also complained about Gusen's indiscretion by the way. If it's not with it today, see what they're going to do this time. It's also so proud, and a few hairs on its butt are upturned.

Gu Sen also did not expect that they had killed those monsters, and there was still danger below. If it wasn't for the chickens and cubs helping on it this time, I'm afraid they would be bad. Although there are no more monsters down there, they can't get out of their dreams, and as soon as the volcano erupts in a few days, they'll have to die here.

The cub will tell Sujie how it saved everyone. The little guy even compared the appearance of the golden beads. The cub has already determined that it is the problem of the golden bead. After it took the golden beads away, Mom woke up.

Just as the cub was gesturing, Jin Xu also woke up, but his consciousness was still a little unclear. Gusen moved the eight people together, and these people were all weak, and they looked like they were about to swallow their breath.

Gusen asked Sujie to take some water out, and just about to feed them, he saw a person's stomach suddenly move, as if something was moving inside. Gu Sen's eyes darkened, his fingertips stabbed there, and his claws pierced directly into the opponent's abdomen. Then he picked the man's skin open.

Under this person's skin, there was a belt monster more than ten centimeters long, pierced into the other party's body. This monster cub seemed to have a lot of tentacles on his body, and they plunged into the blood vessels of that team member one by one.

Is this TM an alien! Madan, no wonder those monsters want to keep so many living people, this is to use these people as incubators. Gu Senden was disgusted when he was disgusted, and he wanted to drag this thing down directly, but this thing was still connected to the blood vessels in the other party's body, and Gusen could only let Sujie tie those tubes tightly with metal wire, and then cut off those tentacles one by one, and after taking it out, he stepped on this thing into thin with one foot.

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