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Home Beast nuclear fusion Body 120. Chapter 120

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Body 120. Chapter 120

Now he spends every day in hunger, his stomach hurts with hunger, and black stars keep popping in front of him. If you continue like this, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold on.

Gusen never expected that he had just disappeared for more than a year. There were really people on the base who thought he was dead, and dared to extend their hands to his family. Fortunately, when he came back this time, he kept an eye on it, did not appear swaggering, but quietly teleported into the base.

After finding Liu Suyu according to the smell, their current foothold. Gu Sen was angry at once, when he left, there were tens of millions of points at home, and a large amount of Warcraft jerky that he left for sleep. Gu Sen thought that these were enough for the two of them to live comfortably, but they didn't expect that they would end up in this kind of place, and the food they could eat at home turned out to be the cheapest purple sugar!

Where did these people come from their faith? Even if the news of his death is not confirmed, he dares to do something to his family! Aren't they afraid that he will come back and find someone to settle the score? I still think he is the kind of weak chicken that can be slaughtered by others. Did they think that the inhibitory potion they had come up with would really be able to control the fuse? And there is still a passage that is not closed, don't the bases care!

Gu Sen didn't think much about it, and directly teleported outside the city with the surprised Liu Suyu and Chi Mian.

And the two low-level fusions who had been watching outside the Gu family only found after a while that the aura of the two people in the room seemed to have disappeared.

These two people are not stupid, after discovering that the aura of the two people of the Gu family has disappeared. They didn't even go in to see what was going on, and their first reaction was to run, and the faster they ran, the better. But just over 10 meters later, a familiar face appeared in front of them.

Needless to say, they also knew who this person was, and they didn't see this person's photo this year. Of course, he also knows how terrifying this person's ability is, and once he is targeted, it will be difficult to survive. But the sharp pain they imagined, the shattering of the whole body, did not appear, and they entered an inexplicable psychedelic state the moment they recognized Gusen.

After capturing the two fused, Gusen didn't stay much and teleported out of the base with them. After leaving the base, Gusen and Sujie searched the bodies of these two people separately, and found several tubes of brown potions on the body of one of the fusionists. Gusen could probably guess what this thing was, it was nothing more than the potion that Jin Wook said to inhibit the fuse.

However, this fusion had no chance of breaking these potions. Gusen directly used that kind of hallucinogenic screw bead, as long as he held this thing, within a radius of tens of meters, there was no one who could not be put away. It's the same with the Fusion. Unless it is spiritual, it is possible to get rid of it.

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