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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 107

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Chapter 107

"How can this thing be so delicious?" Luo Jiang still had some unfinished looks.

Gusen smiled, "This is the mother worm of the orange worm, Sujie and I brought their old nests, the mother worms in these nests, and the larvae, we all brought back some, and we planned to study them with Dr. Yan."

As he spoke, Luo Jiang suddenly felt that his stomach hurt, and he didn't have time to say anything, so he rushed to the backpack, grabbed a wad of paper and ran away. Not long after, the sleeping fusers in the camp woke up and were awakened by the stench.

How smelly this smell can be, Gusen has long been mentally prepared, but these people who are tired and sleeping all day, where would they have thought that such a terrible stench suddenly came from their dreams.

Jin Xu covered his nose and asked Luo Jiang, "I said Team Luo, what did you eat yesterday, why did you pull it so smelly."

Although Luo Jiang will be a little embarrassed, but the sense of ease on his body is obvious, this time there is no need for Gusen to explain, he also knows that it is the role of the fat block.

Gusen saw that Jin Xu was also awake, so he baked him a piece as well. How to say that the two have also been old friends for many years, especially the fact that the base guessed his identity, and thanks to Jin Xu's words, he had a bottom in his heart.

Jin Xu held the fat block, his face was a little hesitant, and Luo Jiang next to him said directly: "If you don't want to eat it, just give it to me." He was still worried about the deliciousness of the fat lump, and he couldn't even care about the side effects of diarrhea.

"Whoever says I don't eat, I'll eat." Saying that, Jin Xu swallowed the fat lump in one bite, and when he entered it, he was immediately like Luo Jiang, only hating that the fat lump was too little and not enough to eat.

When Jin Xu also went to pull back, Gusen told them about their harvest for the day, as well as the dark brown liquid in the worm nest. Jin Xu looked at the pile of worm nests with envy, "If nothing else, just these liquid explosives and medicines will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of Warcraft meat back." The

next days were relatively calm, in addition to digging energy stones every day, that is, digging energy stones, in the first few days, there were some monsters who did not know whether they were dead or alive, Gusen did not have time to shoot, and those monsters were electrocuted into charcoal ash by Luo Jiang. Later, it was Jin Xu who said bitterly that he could no longer continue to waste Warcraft meat like this, so Luo Jiang converged a little and left the Warcraft over to others.

Those mother insects that are ready to be brought back to the base, Gusen is afraid that they will starve to death, so he tries to feed them some brown liquid every day, and as a result, these mother insects have survived like this, and they can still lay some eggs every day, which can be described as tenacious.

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