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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Gusen got into the car early, the people in the car were not full, and when they saw Gusen get into the car, these people first looked him up and down, and found that this person was too thin, and many people in the car looked away. Some people also felt unlucky, and secretly glared at Gusen several times.

There is a reason why those people glared at Goosen. Nowadays the station in City A only sells two kinds of tickets, single ticket and multi-person ticket.

Single ticket and multi-person ticket are different, multi-person tickets are actually chartered buses, and those who can charter cars are powerful hunting teams. Gusen bought a single ticket, and got on the loose ticket car that everyone said.

Now it is still very dangerous outside City A, and everyone is going out in groups to hunt exotic beasts. The people on the loose ticket bus, there are small squads, and some come out alone.

People who get on the bus alone usually get together after getting off the bus and form a temporary hunting team, which is also a disguised way to improve the chance of survival. People like Goosen, who are very weak at first sight, are naturally annoying, and in their opinion, this kind of person is here to pull back and rub cheap. This will already have someone secretly decided in their hearts that they must not let this kid in for a while.

In fact, these people are also big-faced, and people who get on the loose ticket train alone, and they don't have much qualification to pick on others. Because they themselves are picked and left.

People with high force values basically already have a fixed team, like those who have not yet been able to enter the fixed hunting team, either the force value is too poor, or there are some problems with their character. Of course, there is also a kind of being good enough and accustomed to being a loner.

Every time there is a new person on the bus, everyone will hope that this person can look a little more powerful, and it is best to be tough. And not like Goosen alone, skinny, watching a gust of wind can blow away. Although he was greeted by a few blank eyes, Gu Sen did not pay attention to it, and found a position by the window and sat down.

Less than two minutes after sitting down, Gusen took a few energy bars out of his bag. The muscles in his body are mutated, consume a lot of calories, and he is hungry very quickly. Obviously I came out of the morning when I was full, and I already felt hungry in my stomach.

Seeing the energy bar taken out by Gusen, several people in the car stared at him instantly. Energy bars are a good thing in their eyes, this thing can be eaten once, the taste is okay, and it is convenient to eat. I don't know how many energy bars are in this person's bag, if there are more, they can save their capital this time.

Just as these people were spinning crooked ideas in their heads, Gusen had already clicked and began to gnaw on the energy bar. Seeing that he ate so quickly, the few people in the car who moved their crooked thoughts all breathed slightly. In their eyes, the energy bar in this bag is already theirs, watching Gusen eat so much, can they not feel distressed.

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