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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

After drinking the watermelon juice, Goosen planned to go to the exchange to ask about the rental car. He wanted to find a time to take out the salamander corpse in his memory, after all, he had almost run out of Warcraft meat powder on hand.

Because the fusion was relatively smooth, the meat powder of Warcraft was not used, and the meat powder that the child ate was only three or four catties in total. But even if he sleeps and eats less, Gusen eats more.

Gusen felt that he would eat meat meal, just like eating watermelon in vegetarian festival, although he enjoyed it very much, but every bite was a heartache of reluctance.

After drinking the cup, Gusen put it on the coffee table, and directly called the chicken boy to come out and brush the cup.

The chicken boy flew out of the sleeping room slowly, and Xiaohuang still had a hint of red on his mouth, and when he saw Gu Sen, he obviously showed a weak look. In fact, Gusen had already heard the movement in the house, and had just slept late to share some watermelon juice with the chicken. He was very bad at not saying anything, and he wanted to make the chicken so nervous.

The chicken boy glanced at Gu Sen pitifully, and deliberately made his body a little smaller. That means, I'm so young and helpless, how can you let me brush such a big cup?

However, Gusen did not care about such a small body of the chicken cub, how difficult it was to brush such a large cup, or let it take the cup to the kitchen. Sujie secretly winked at the chicken boy, and the chicken boy suddenly showed a full of gratitude. It knew that Sujie was going to go out while Gusen was going out and do something for him.

Gusen also saw it, but he didn't break it, just pointed his finger down. That means that this is punishment, and if you teach enough once you have learned, you will not commit it next time.

Sujie lip-synced, 'It has been taught a lesson, and it has been fined for two months.' In the past two months, the chicken boy has not worked less, carrying a mop thicker than his body every day, flying and mopping the floor all over the house, and cooking while burning a fire underneath. When washing clothes, a chicken laboriously switches to the manual washing machine.

Although it was very hot inside, it was even hotter outside, and Goosen put on his hat and sunglasses, opened the door, and the heat outside hit his face with a bang.

The sun was hot and roasting everything, and few people were walking around on the street. But this is only a residential area, if you go to the plantation of the base, as well as the various factories, then they are all people who work. After all, no matter how hot the day, people also have to make money to eat.

The business of the exchange is much cooler than usual, and the staff inside are all hot. Although there is no sun in the hall, it is steaming heat here, and there is no wind, which is more difficult than outside.

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