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首页 兽核融合者 正文 54.第 54 章


正文 54.第 54 章

The most important thing about fighting a hypothermia is that he can't touch you, otherwise in a second, he will be able to suck all the temperature off your body, and Goosen's reaction speed is so fast that he only frostbites an arm. Change to those low-level ones just now, and the whole person will freeze.

If you can't get up close, you can only use medium and long-range attacks.

Resonance that kind of attack, Gusen can't use, if it does, this fusion will have to die, and a lot of people around the field will have to die. But infrasonic attacks, it seems that the range of the attack is also a little wide, and accidentally injuring the crowd next to it, is always a little not good.

Just when Gu Sen was hesitating, Wei Jie's feet brushed Gu Sen's lower and lower body, Gu Sen only felt that his place was suddenly cold, and then he felt that there seemed to be a little stiff, and he could feel a tingling pain when he moved, I go, it shouldn't be frostbite there!

This was considered to have made Gu Sen angry, and he didn't care a lot, and released a infrasound wave at Wei Jie that ordinary people could not hear.

The low-level fusion people who were facing Gusen on the sidelines all became uncomfortable. Jin Wook immediately discovered that Gusen was using infrasonic waves, and hurriedly summoned people to scatter the people surrounding the sidelines. And Wei Jie, who was at the center of the infrasonic attack, would have already knelt and was lying there vomiting.

After putting it in Wei Jie, Gu Sen didn't say a word, first checked his place with a black face and ultrasound, and only relieved after making sure that he was okay. He also checked the condition in Wei Jie's body and found that the damage caused by his attack just now was not too serious, and with the physique of the fused, he could recover after a few days of rest.

Jin Xu watched as the people carried Wei Jie out, but he was not angry. It was originally a competition, and the other party did not fight too hard. It's just that he didn't expect that even Wei Jie would lose on his side.

"I didn't expect the strength of the two to be so good, there are many tasks on our base, I don't know if you will consider taking it." Of course, I don't let you do it in vain, if nothing else, every time you complete a task, you will be rewarded with Warcraft meat powder. Warcraft

meat powder, no one will be too little, but Gusen not only wants Warcraft meat powder, he also wants to participate in various actions of the military in the future, so that in the future, he can follow the military to the otherworld to find out.

In the previous life, there were very few people who went to the otherworld from the passage, except for the military people, there were only a few hunting teams that had been following the military on missions. That world is much harsher than Earth, but there are more opportunities. Whoever can come back alive from that world has greatly increased their strength.

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