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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

"Passage, can you use the passage to go over there now?" Jin Xu was shocked in his heart, he did not expect that the N City Military District had developed so rapidly.

Feng Chun hurriedly waved his hand, "No, no, just use it occasionally, and we don't dare to really go deeper, the climate environment over there is particularly harsh, basically we throw things away, and we hurry back."

"Oh. So it was. What's it like over there in the tunnel, have you all seen it? A team member asked.

The medium-sized passage near City A only allows them to operate on the periphery. As for using the passage to go to the other world, the upper echelons of the base of City A will not allow it at all, and they think that the strength on their side is not enough to explore the opposite world. Although everyone is quite curious about that side, no one has seen the scenery on the other side, only that the environment is extremely harsh.

He Ran suddenly spoke up in the back: "Isn't it the land, plants, and monsters running around, if you want to see it, you can go over and see it today."

As soon

as he said this, many people wanted to see it, after all, it was such a huge passage, and no one had seen it yet.

From H to N, it's almost 200 kilometers. The road conditions here are so bad that you can't drive there, and if you really drive, you can't walk tens of kilometers a day.

Because they couldn't drive, the ordinary people and the few wounded who were not yet good were left in place, and for their safety, those who were not injured also stayed. Only Jin Wook, Gusen and Sujie followed to N City to see the large passage.

The space monster cub refused to let Sujie leave, but Gusen felt that it was too troublesome to take a cub, so he tore the cub off Sujie, threw it back into the car, and ordered the cub: "Let's go out, watch our food." Look, come back and reward you with the meat in that box!


the cub heard this, it immediately became entangled, it wanted to follow its mother all the time, and it wanted to eat the delicious food in that box, which one to choose. While the cub was holding his head and considering, Gusen dragged Sujie away.

Along the way, Feng Chun used the wind to sweep those black and yellow liquids forward, but the ability to use it for a long time was also very tiring. Within dozens of kilometers of walking out, Feng Chun took a small box out of his clothes, took a meat jerky from it and gnawed it, this jerky smelled very fragrant and was particularly tempting.

When Gu Sen saw Feng Chun eating jerky, the whole person was stupid, although it was far away, he could clearly feel that the jerky that Feng Chun ate, that tempting feeling, if not mistaken, that thing is the jerky of Warcraft meat.

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