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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 94

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Chapter 94

Just when everyone thought they were going to confess here, the huge space stone was actually smashed by the mountain stone above, and a small gap was opened from the edge along the trace they had just excavated. At the same time as the crack, a faint green light spread rapidly. Where this green light hits, the walls and the ground in the passage are rapidly disappearing.

Goosen noticed that the ground beneath them suddenly collapsed downward, and the rocks under them became looser. Watching the green light spread towards them, Gusen immediately realized what was going on, being caught by this green light might be the same as being swallowed by the spatial crack of the prime section.

He shouted, "Get out of the way." "With all his might, he spread his wings violently, fished through the Sujie, and dodged through the rapidly falling air.

Several other people also desperately dodged the green light, but as soon as they flashed, most of the ground under them disappeared. A few people actually fell directly, and Gu Sen glanced at it, and it seemed that there was a huge space below.

But this Gusen couldn't take care of them, his wings were constantly smashed by rocks, and his body was heavy, and he was flying very hard. Gu Sen turned to look at the person who caused everything, and released a wave of resonance at him, and at that time, Chu Cheng's vitality was extinguished. A few seconds later, his body was also swallowed by that green light.

After Chu Cheng died, the gravity field disappeared instantly, and those mountains and rocks did not fall so fast just now. Just as Gu Sen was about to go down to see how Jin Wook was doing, something suddenly pounced on him. It was the cub, the little guy, and Gusen recognized it fast enough, otherwise the little guy would have been thrown out.

The cub is also agile enough, just as soon as Chu Orange's gravity field was activated, it hid in the space in time, during which the probe came out several times, and this will come out from the inside. And when he came out, he fished out three space stones in his claws out of nowhere.

After the cub found them, he looked a lot relieved, and climbed back to Sujie's shoulder with a few strokes from Gusen, clinging tightly to Sujie's body.

Sujie had just been smashed, and their gas masks were all smashed crookedly. Fortunately, for the sake of safety, not long after they entered the cave, Luo Jiang used electricity to disinfect them collectively, and there should be no spores on their bodies.

Gusen also did not expect that under the passage dug by Sujie, there was such a large space. In fact, under normal circumstances, he couldn't find it, because the mountain rock under their feet was more than twenty meters thick, and if it weren't for the spatial power leaking out of that space boulder that swallowed part of the mountain rock, the cave below would not have appeared.

This huge space, some like a cave, there are all kinds of strange stalactites in the cave, there is a pool of clear water not far ahead, crystal clear, the light in the cave comes from nowhere, Gusen looked around, and did not find a place to communicate with the outside world, but the visibility is very good.

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