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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

After leaving City A for about 100 kilometers, the number of exotic beasts outside gradually increased, and from time to time, there were exotic beasts with short eyes rushing towards their convoy. But the fusion people who came out this time, except for Goosen, all of them were from the army, and the marksmanship was not accurate. Even if they're sitting in a bumpy car, these people are basically two shots to get a beast.

Sujie did not take the gun, but felt a bag of metal arrows from his pocket. This is his own special, very hard metal arrowhead, what is the specific formula, in fact, he can't tell, just feel that these metals are mixed together in a certain proportion, the arrow, sharpness and hardness will be very good. He used his ability to blend these metals together.

And it turned out to be perfect, and these metal knives, arrowheads, turned out to be very sharp, even better than the cold steel knives that Goosen bought. This time he came out, Sujie specially brought a big bag, ready to try this on the road to attack.

Ten small silver arrows, with a bang, stood in the air, and then one by one flew out of the car window.

To say that Sujie has always lived in the base since he fused the beast core of the gold-eating beast, because there are too many tasks on the military factory side, most of the time he is forging and processing with various metal parts, and rarely goes out of the city to fight exotic beasts. The consequences of this are also obvious, that is, the operation of the prime joint in metal fusion, shaping, and processing can be said to be more and more skilled. But in killing, he is not so skilled.

Just like these small arrows, when in the car, in a row, looking shiny and imposing, taking a steel plate at random is also a poke a hole. But after facing the alien beast in the distance, the lethality is very average. Sujie didn't choose a group attack with high ambitions, so he picked a mantis knife with teeth and claws.

The pile of arrows flew around, poking and poking at the hapless mantis knife. Sujie practiced this move too little, the speed and strength were a little unable to keep up, and the strength of each poke was very limited, which could only leave a small wound on the other party's body. Although the hole poked each time is not serious, it cannot stand that he is ten arrows poking back and forth, which is just like cutting flesh with a blunt knife.

The mantis desperately tried to knock these arrows down. But these arrows are small and flexible, scurrying back and forth around the mantis knife. The mantis knife waved indiscriminately for a long time and could not even touch it, and he was simply mad.

The other teammates here had already finished beating the alien beasts that surrounded them, and Sujie over there had not been able to sharpen the mantis knife with an arrow. Jin Xu couldn't bear to see it, and gave the mantis knife a shot, which finally ended the other party's pain.

Sujie froze for a moment, his own efficiency, it seems to be too wasteful. How to fuse the beast core themselves, still so useless.

Gu Sen reached out and rubbed Sujie's head that hung down in frustration, "It's okay, this kind of long-range attack killing trick just needs to be practiced more." Sujie

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