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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Hey, I didn't expect that there were two giant scorpions here, and I don't know how many people died yesterday in their mouths. The giant scorpion looks a little similar to the scorpion on Earth, but it is much larger. A giant scorpion is almost four meters tall and more than three meters long.

This thing is still difficult for ordinary people to deal with. The key is that this thing will spray toxic mist, the corrosion of toxic fog is particularly strong, and the steel plate can be corroded. The shell on this giant scorpion is thick and hard, which is particularly difficult to penetrate, and ordinary guns are of little use to it.

Fortunately, this giant scorpion has a small brain capacity and is very stupid. At the beginning of this thing, the human side really suffered a little, and later found that this thing is really stupid, as long as you use the weapons in your hand, this giant scorpion is not afraid at all. Therefore, this giant scorpion was more numerous in the first few years, and then it was almost impossible to touch this side of City A, and it was all killed by people.

Gu Sen took two dead brain-eating beasts over, cut his stomach, and the bloody qi instantly became thicker, and the few exotic beasts became more and more restless. Gusen pulled a hand, thunder, pulled the ring, shoved it into the stomach of the brain-eating beast, and threw it towards the giant scorpion.

When the two giant scorpions saw the blood food, they didn't care about anything, and they opened their mouths to swallow the brain-eating beast.

One of them moved relatively fast and swallowed the brain-eating beast in one bite. But before it could swallow, the hand and thunder had already exploded. The giant scorpion's head was blown off a small half.

Gusen concocted and threw another brain-eating beast out, but the one that was not blown up was stunned and did not have a long memory at all, and he didn't remember how his companion died just now, and he couldn't wait to swallow this brain-eating beast with hands and thunder with a mouth. With a bang, the giant scorpion also became half-dead.

After killing the giant scorpion, the remaining spiny spiders and green teeth are not to be feared. By the time Gusen left, the remaining alien beasts on this street had already started to eat a big meal, needless to say, what they ate was the corpses of those alien beasts.


"Senior Brother, how long will it take to eat?" The child who spoke looked only five or six years old, wearing a white trumpet robe and a pair of tattered cloth shoes. The figure is very thin and small, and the head is quite large.

The man called by the child as the senior brother also looked like Seventeen or Eight, also dressed in an old Daoist robe, and was staring intently at the pieces of meat on the fire in front of him.

Slowly, a layer of grease appeared on the meat, and a rich aroma instantly floated out. The grease fell to the fire drop by drop, the flames soared, and the tongue of fire licked the meat, and the taste became more and more fragrant and tempting.

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