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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

"Well, Dr. Yan, when we came back, didn't we catch a bunch of tubular creatures, and when you said you were going to bring them back for research, did you already study something, and yesterday a bunch of people suddenly came to my house and wanted to buy this tubular creature." Goosen explains.

Yan Jing was stunned, "Didn't the people I sent tell you?"

"Send who?" Goosen asked.

"Just the other day, I sent someone to tell you all kinds of discoveries about that creature."

"I didn't see anyone over there, probably the other party forgot." Gusen touched his chin. He would probably guess what was going on, it was nothing more than this person sent by Yan Jing, who did not follow the other party's words, and then a group of people thought that they did not know the value of the thing, so they wanted to take the opportunity to buy it. These people did not know that as early as the time of separation, Yan Jing had already repeatedly instructed them to keep those pipes.

Yan Jing didn't care about this, but pulled Gu Sen with an excited look and said, "Those insect worms of yours are still alive, right?"

"Sam worm? You mean that tubular thing? Goosen asked.

"Yes, I named them Sam worms. This thing is amazing, I tell you, this insect is really a treasure, the whole body is a treasure, and the few in your hand must be raised.

"What's the baby law? What is the use of this thing?

"The energy rich in ginseng meat is very high, of course, it is not as energy as Warcraft meat, but its meat can enhance cell activity." If you continue to take it for a while, whether you are an ordinary person or a fusion person, your physical fitness will be significantly improved. Moreover, the meat of this thing even has the effect of stimulating the evolution of beast beads, and this side has been taken to some low-level fusion people to eat, and after twenty consecutive days of consumption, they can already feel their beast beads. You know, low-level fusionists couldn't feel the beast beads before. Gu

Sen's breathing was slightly confused, but he didn't expect this insect to have this effect.

Yan Jing continued: "But the effect of ginseng insect is not only rich in energy, it also has another effect.

"What utility?"

"Let's put it this way, creatures like ginseng insects, delicious taste, high energy in meat, and stimulating evolution, its meat must be very popular. That's why this creature hides under the sand, and the smell of living bodies is very light, didn't you find each other at first. Gusen

nodded, if it weren't for this thing coming to attack them alive, they wouldn't have found each other at all.

"But you have to know that this kind of high-quality nutrition is not only loved by exotic beasts and monsters, but also by parasites." In addition, the recipe of ginseng insects is so mixed. You have also said that alien beasts and people, it eats, such a wide range of recipes, infection with parasites should be a normal thing, as a result, on the baked crisps, in addition to the microorganisms on the earth, but no otherworldly parasites, what do you think will be the reason?

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