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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Gu Sen's body has begun to show some changes in the past few days, which is the initial fusion reaction of the beast core. The first is the amount of food, which has doubled or tripled. Liu Suyu looked worried, thinking that he had a physical problem. I ate several people's meals a day, and I turned out to be hungry.

Later, in order not to worry Liu Suyu too much, Gusen gnawed roast chicken, chocolate, tea eggs, and braised meat in his house every day. He can eat almost ten pounds a day, no matter how much he eats, he will soon get hungry, but fortunately he has enough food to store, and he doesn't have to worry about anything.

In addition to the large increase in the amount of food, he also started a low-grade fever, and from time to time a tingling itch came out of his bones. Every time this itch rose, he couldn't wait to break the bones directly to scratch them.

This itch comes and goes fast, about three or four times a day. But since yesterday, he has added a new problem, which is intermittent high fever, a sharp heat, a hot internal body, as if it is going to burn, and then slowly recover.

Gusen could probably guess which beast core caused these changes, and when he fused that low-level beast core in his last life, he didn't have these things at all, and he wasn't so uncomfortable at all. Although the high-level ones have strong abilities, they also suffer more.

In fact, what Gusen wants to eat the most is the meat powder of Warcraft. But he didn't have the conditions to process meat powder, and when he thought of the parasites in those meats, he could only endure it alive. I don't know how long this beast nuclear fusion period will take, he used a month in his last life, and this time I hope it won't be too long.

Not only Gusen, but the chicken boy has also changed. The amount of food that the chicken boy now eats is not much worse than that of an adult, these days, it is also eaten meat, rice, almost every day to eat two or three lunch boxes of food, I don't know how its small body is loaded.

Every time Gusen had a high fever and snorted, he saw that the chicken boy was also chattering in the cage, and it was estimated that it was the same as him. After the chatter, the chicken boy was making a fuss about eating. The same is true of Gusen, every time the reaction passes, the body will be hungry.

The team asked in the community for a long time, but did not find out who the person who shot the gun was, and they deliberately climbed to the roof of the building to check around. In order to blur his traces, Gusen climbed through all four entrances one by one. So it's also very difficult to find clues from this. In the end, these soldiers did not find out anything, and simply reported the matter.

Within two days, a few well-mannered young people, said to be several psychiatrists, came to this community in Gusen, who wanted to come here for psychological counseling. This was specially arranged by the military region, and it is said that because many people were seriously traumatized by this disaster, psychological counseling is necessary.

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