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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

For the rest of the grids, Goosen divided five grids to buy meat, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, duck. Thinking of the meat powder of those exotic beasts he ate in his previous life, Gusen felt that he must buy more normal meat.

The meat on the bodies of those alien beasts is basically edible. However, being edible does not mean that it can be eaten directly, because most exotic beasts have parasites. At the beginning, many people ate it directly, using the old way, ordinary steaming and frying, but these cooking methods could not kill those parasites.

The military has long discovered the parasites in these meats, and has also issued a notice to remind people not to eat indiscriminately, but there are always people who do not listen, thinking that this is the same as wild game, and it will be fine when cooked.

As a result, the people who ate the flesh of those alien beasts were gone for a few months, and when they died, their bodies were full of parasites, and they were all parasites that had never been seen on earth, and they didn't even know how to cure them.

Later, the people who went out to fight the exotic beasts came back to sell the exotic beasts to the exchange for points, and then exchanged the points for processed meat powder from there. These meat powders are completely dehydrated, dried at high temperature and high pressure, and the parasites and eggs inside are basically cleaned. At least in the years that Goosen hadn't heard of anyone dying of parasites.

Ensure safety, the taste can not be guaranteed, those meat powder in the calories are very full, but it is very unpalatable, dry and powdery, there is no meat aroma, and it is particularly difficult to digest.

Most people's daily food is to boil purple sweet paste with meat powder, or mix with other wild vegetables from the other world. The nutrition is enough, but the taste is unpalatable. Everyone is so barely alive. What chicken, duck and fish meat, that is a good thing that only the privileged class can eat.

Pigs, cattle and sheep, because cattle are more expensive, Gusen asked for less, only five hundred, while pigs and sheep each asked for a thousand. White-striped chickens and white-striped ducks each need 40,000, these animals' water, Gusen also let people clean and collect, after all, the water cooking is also very delicious, and also very nutritious.

After buying the meat, there are vegetables, which will only leave about a dozen green grids, and Goosen naturally picks up his own home-cooked food. Pumpkin, winter squash, eggplant, pepper, tomato, cucumber, taro, cabbage, lotus root, radish. Several of these dishes are not in season, and the prices are a bit expensive and the taste is a little worse. Goosen plans to wait a few more months to buy it, and the dishes will be more delicious.

Most of these vegetables are a thousand tons, of which there are chili peppers, and Goosen bought more. Because he put a total of several kinds of peppers, such as sharp peppers, green peppers, bell peppers, millet peppers, and bell peppers, they are all four hundred tons. The tomato lattice holds two thousand tons of ordinary tomatoes and a hundred tons of cherry tomatoes.

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