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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Five years later

, "This is the passage on our side. Everyone must be careful after entering, there are more deadly things than just alien beasts and monsters. It is said that insects and plants are also very ferocious. Before entering the passage, Jin Xu specially ordered again.

Luo Jiang stepped forward first, "I'll take the lead." This is an electrical fusionist. Although he didn't say it, Gu Sen also knew that the other party was fusing a high-level beast core. Because in the previous life, among the top combat power of the base, there was a high-level electric system fusionist.

Jin Xu nodded: "Chu Cheng, Gu Sen, Sujie you go in together, I, Dr. Yan and Donghua last." "He arranged it this way, and he also arranged it according to combat effectiveness. Yan Jing and Ye Donghua's combat effectiveness is not high, but it is very important to the entire team.

In order to be able to come to the passage to collect samples of various species, this Dr. Yan exchanged all his merit values for a soil system middle-rank beast core, as well as a large amount of Warcraft meat, so he abruptly raised his physical fitness. However, even if his physical fitness improved, his combat ability was still poor, and most of the low-level fusion people in the army could clean up Yan Jing.

Gusen and Sujie glanced at each other, took a deep breath, and stepped into the passage. People feel strange in the passage, everything is distorted, even the light, as if they split into two people, but this feeling disappears very quickly.

In less than a second, Gusen felt a violent heat wave coming from the opposite side, and his body also felt a violent sinking, and the gravity here seemed to be more than twice as high as on Earth.

"It's so hot here." Ye Donghua, who came out from behind, muttered.

Gusen narrowed his eyes and took his sunglasses out of his pocket, the sunlight here was much harsher than on Earth.

There are not many plants in the other world, the plants on the surface are very dense, but the plants are not tall, most of them are species with slender leaves.

The terrain where they came here was relatively gentle, with only a few small dirt slopes in the distance. Occasionally, the bare soil is yellow-brown, and there are so many insects in the grass that they are almost so many that they don't want to step afoot. In just a few moments, Gusen recognized several insects that like to suck blood and bite people.

Gusen took off his coat, flapped his wings, and said, "I'll go up there first and see which way we go." This was also what they had discussed a long time ago, and after coming in, Gusen first inquired about the situation from above. Goosen's flight speed is fast, and the speed can reach 300 kilometers per hour.

It is most convenient for him to first investigate and see where the species are abundant, so as to choose the direction. After all, one of their biggest tasks here this time was to collect data on various species in the other world. Another task was to try to see if they could find out the reason for the formation of the channel and how to close it, but this task was not expected to be completed by everyone, including themselves.

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