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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Jin Xu closed his eyes, "Did we attract it?" It was not for nothing that he asked. In the material received by the military, it was written that some high-IQ Warcraft, after realizing the threat of human beings, may organize alien beasts and low-level Warcraft to form a beast tide to attack the base. In order to prevent this from happening, the base of City A will often send people to sweep up the exotic beasts around City A.

It is precisely because of this kind of sweep that it is difficult for the monsters over there to gather a decent tide of beasts. But not here in Z City, this city is full of alien beasts, and they just kill people when they save people today, and they have hacked hundreds of alien beasts to death. If you really gather all the exotic beasts in the city, I am afraid that there will be more than 100,000 beasts this time.

And this beast tide, I am afraid that it is because of the intrusion and stay of these fusionists, which makes the monsters who regard this city as their territory feel uneasy. That's why they drove away the alien beasts and prepared to destroy their group of threats.

There are hundreds of thousands of exotic beasts, and there are only 20 people on their side, even if they have three heads and six arms, they can't kill them all. What's more, there are not only alien beasts over there, since this beast tide is a ghost of monsters, when they fight with the alien beast tide, there are unknown how many monsters are squatting next to them waiting to pick up leaks.

Jin Xu only thought about it for less than ten seconds, and immediately made a decision, withdraw, and run quickly. As for the people in this underground building, they should also be taken away, and it should still be possible to squeeze three cars, and as for how to place them after taking them away, wait until they escape this wave of beasts.

"What do you say, there is a beast tide?!" The underground crowd immediately panicked. "So what are we going to do, will we die?"

"What is the beast tide, and why haven't we seen it in so long here?"

"Hey, shouldn't this beast tide be brought by you!" Liu Dashan jumped out at that time. In his heart, he did not have any good feelings for these so-called soldiers who came to help them, and even had some disgust. Especially Gu Sen deliberately stuffed two knives into Wang Fang's smelly ladies and asked her to cut her own business, Liu Dashan hated it when he thought about it.

Jin Xu glanced at Liu Dashan coldly, he heard about this person from Gusen, he was very unhappy with this kind of pushing people out to change their lives, but there are quite a lot of such people now, and they can't kill enough. He didn't care much, he didn't expect that this would pop up disgusting again.

Jin Xu did not shirk his responsibility, and directly admitted the matter, "We attracted it, those monsters were too alert and discovered our existence, so they had to use the beast tide to deal with us." "This would be useless to deny, and it would deepen the distrust of these people, so it would be better to admit it directly."

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