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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

After killing the first few red-clawed beasts, Gusen sneaked into the school next to him. It's so unlucky, how come I met the red-clawed beast today.

The red-clawed beast, a featureless beast, is red all over, has a small head, a face that looks like it has been photographed, flat and flat, about half a meter tall, very ugly. When eating, the lips will retract and the gums will bulge, as if two rows of densely packed teeth pop out of the face.

The claws and teeth of this exotic beast are abnormally sharp and are a good material for weapons. If the troops encounter them, it is a small gain, but in the case of few people, ordinary people encounter red-clawed beasts, which is nine deaths.

Because when this thing comes out, it's in droves, at least a few hundred at a time, and a lot of thousands, and it's very good to eat. A red-clawed beast can eat almost half the weight of its own body. Even if Gusen killed the alien beasts of the entire street, it would not be enough for them to gnaw.

Gusen would rather run into a Warcraft than touch this thing, but he also has a way to escape.

There were no people in the school, and Gusen rushed all the way to the laboratory building.

He had been around the city for the first two years, and he had already recorded all the buildings along his way. Various escape methods, routes have been pondered countless times.

This school has a laboratory building, and this laboratory building is adjacent to the next office building, and the best thing is that the experimental building of the school is a little higher than that office building, but the distance between the two buildings is only more than 10 meters.

There are climbing tools in the Gusen memory, which is also prepared early, after all, there are so many exotic beasts outside, if he does not make more preparations to escape, he does not dare to go out rashly.

More than ten meters, as long as you climb over, you can dodge those red-clawed beasts. The intelligence of the red-clawed beast is not high, and the bounce power is also very average, and the distance of more than ten meters is enough to stop them. Those red-clawed beasts, seeing themselves climbing to another building, definitely did not have the IQ to run downstairs and go up the corridor of that building.

Gusen ran fast, but those red-clawed beasts chased faster, and when he sneaked into the back door of the experimental building, just closed the door, and a red-clawed beast pounced, and Gusen fired a shot under the door, and a pool of blood soon spilled out on the ground.

He did not dare to pause, ran towards the safe passage, jammed the door of the safe passage with a wooden stick he grabbed casually, and then ran upstairs without gasping.

When he ran to the fourth floor, Gusen heard a bang, probably because the door had been knocked open.

Goosen drew a hand and thunder, ready to block them as they approached. The speed of these red-clawed beasts is really fast, as a normal person, even if Gu Sen can increase his speed twice, he can't run them.

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