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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

To put it cruelly, because there are enough people on the earth, and most of them have no effective means of resistance, the alien beasts can easily eat and drink at the initial foothold.

And the alien beast that eats well, the desire to attack will also be greatly reduced. This distribution of carnivorous alien beasts has been killed by him, and the other alien beasts in the foothold will almost be full, and when they are hungry, they will have food on their lips, so there is no need to run to this place specifically.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some alien beasts that cannot get the territory will come over, so the corpses of these alien beasts he left in the community are enough for them to eat. Even if those are all eaten, their home is on the fifth floor, which is still much safer than the lower floor, as long as he doesn't delay outside for too long, his parents should be fine.

Liu Suyu heard Gu Sen say that she wanted to go out, and she grabbed Gu Sen's arm, "Sensen, where are you going, it's so messy outside, don't go out."

Gu Sen shook the gun in his hand, "Mom, I have to go out this time, if I don't go out, our future life will be difficult." Those monsters also have weaknesses, don't worry, I have this, those things can't hurt me.

Liu Suyu still refused to let go, that is, he did not let his son go out to adventure. Gu Sen had no choice, he could only pull his eldest brother Gu Yang out, "Mom, if nothing else, I have to go see my eldest brother." He doesn't know what's going on there, and Niannian, it's so small. What if something happens.

Liu Suyu's heart immediately became entangled, she was really worried about Gu Yang, and Gu Nian, after all, it was her children and grandchildren. But she was also reluctant to let her younger son out, and the mother and son were in a stalemate for a long time, and finally Liu Suyu compromised. "Sensen, no matter what, your own safety is the most important, if your eldest brother can't go, don't force yourself."

Gu Sen soothed Liu Suyu a few words and went out against the other party's tears. His plan to go out this time has been set two years earlier, so he also deliberately went around City A, writing down the large and small streets in the city, the location of buildings, and the height, and the preparation in these months is for one thing.

On these two days, a Warcraft will appear on the outskirts of City A. This Warcraft is likely to be of the high rank. As for why it is possible, it is naturally because the beast core of this monster has not fallen into human hands at all, of course, the corpse has not been seen.

It's just that someone has seen several salamanders and a demon beast fight, and the two sides are earth-shattering, enough to destroy the small half of the industrial city in the suburbs. What turned out later, no one saw it.

In the previous life of City A, there were two salamanders in the suburbs at the beginning. These two salamanders also brought a lot of trouble to City A, but fortunately, the military discovered their weaknesses and killed all these two salamanders.

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