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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

This plant has not been found on Earth. Yan Jing immediately became interested and walked quickly towards that side. Gusen smelled a faint sweet fragrance from the air. In such a harsh world, this sweet, seemingly harmless plant with its sweet smell. Without a little trick to save your life, you can't grow into such a big piece.

"Dr. Yan, wait a minute, let's not get close to that plant, I think it's a little unsafe." Gu Sen stepped forward a few steps and grabbed Yan Jing. Luo Jiang next to him also frowned and said, "Indeed, everything here must be more cautious."

Yan Jing waved his hand, "It's okay, have you seen those insects crawling on the plants?"

Gusen took a closer look, and it was true that some insects climbed from under the plant to the leaves, nibbling on the small purple fruits produced on the plant. Just by looking at the way these bugs are free, these plants shouldn't be dangerous.

Although Yan Jing felt that these plants would not be too dangerous, Gusen and they decided to be cautious. The last people to go were Jin Xu and Yan Jing. After all, Jin Wook is a manipulative of plants, and it is more appropriate for him to go there than they are.

After Yan Jing went over there, he used his ability to rip off the soil on the ground, took a few plants with complete roots out, and caught a few more bugs, and just when he was about to put it in the test tube, the whole person suddenly fell. And Jin Wook behind him was no better than him, and fell into the orange-red plant with him.

"Not good!" Gusen, who had been sitting lazily on the ground, stood up immediately.

But before they could pass, countless beetles emerged from the orange-red plant, and these beetles were densely covered in the two of them. Some beetles began to gnaw at them, while others began to rip off the ground, in the sight of dragging people into their nests.

Luo Jiang was angry at once, and an electric light split over, but his electric light did not split the position, only grazing the edge of the plant.

Missed? No, this was a blow from a high-level fusionist, not to mention that Luo Jiang was not a novice. This level of attack should not be missed.

Ye Donghua suddenly seemed to think of something, and said busily: "There is a problem with this sweet fragrance!" Everyone closed their mouths and noses. Sujie, take out the gas mask.

Several people put on gas masks one by one, and were about to go down, Ye Donghua stopped Gusen and them, "Don't go all in one breath, in case there is any trouble over there, all fall in, even a rescue is gone, I'll just go and see."

Luo Jiang nodded: "Then you be careful." I

saw Ye Donghua running to Jin Xu and them in a few strokes, and then the orange-red plants over there withered and died in large numbers. After those plants died, Ye Donghua reached out to flick the beetles on the two of them, and where his hand touched, those beetles fell one after another. There were also some beetles that did not have long eyes that wanted to crawl on him, but when they first met each other, they kicked their legs to death.

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