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Home Beast nuclear fusion Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

"Whether it works or not, let's collect some soil here first." And with that, the crowd began to rub the soil all over the cave, and they didn't dare to shovel all the soil. After all, this is what stops the moss from spreading. If you take it all, maybe the moss will spread, and that's not good.

The people dug for a while, and saw the cub tilting its head, as if led by something, and walking towards the mossy place.

Sujie's frightened heartbeat stopped, and he grabbed the cub back, "Dr. Yan, is my family Ermao also a trick?" How can I run there vigorously.


cub struggled twice, but did not break free from Sujie's hand, and simply pointed to the moss hole, and hummed again. Sujie just looked disbelieving, "No, you can't go there." No matter what good things you feel, you can't go over there. Seeing

that Sujie was not allowed to go, the cub was in a hurry. Unfortunately, the shadow that moss brought to Sujie was too great, and he didn't allow the cubs to go in.

As soon as Gusen saw the cub's reaction, he knew that there must be something good in it. Otherwise this little guy wouldn't be this way. But no matter how good things are, you have to take them, and the moss is so dangerous, so don't easily step into each other's territory.

But obviously, both Gusen and Sujie underestimated the cub's determination, seeing that they couldn't move them, and the cub didn't make a fuss, squatted obediently to the side, and after a while, began to roll around on the ground. Seeing that the cub didn't break in, Sujie didn't care about it anymore, it would be nothing to roll around here, anyway, it was covered with a layer of soft metal, and it would not stain its hair. After a while, the metal was stained with a lot of dirt, and even its special gas mask was covered with a lot of gray mud.

After staying in the cave for so long, those overwhelming insects have also flown almost the same, looking at the route they flew away, they went south, and eighty percent came out to hunt collectively. My own side is also unlucky, so I bumped into it.

"There seem to be very few bugs outside, or let's go." Ye Donghua looked outside and proposed.

Ye Donghua's proposal was approved by everyone, and just as everyone was about to leave, Sujie grabbed Gu Sen with a miserable look and said, "Brother Gu, Ermao is gone." Gu

Sen was also stunned, didn't the cub still roll around here just now, how to make a mistake, the other party would have no shadow.

Su Jie stared at the corner of the cave and said urgently: "This little bastard must have teleported in!"

However, this will be to find the cub sneaking in, and Gusen will not let Sujie go in and look for it, "Don't worry, that guy from Ermao is smart, it will be fine."

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